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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Monday, September 9, 2024

Feeding Chevy


We've discovered that Chevy is an avid grass eater.  His first week of being with us, he threw up a huge wad of grass one morning.  So, I gave him some chicken and rice for his tummy and that started us down the road of home cooked meals.  It is something I have wanted to do with the 24 Paws, but just couldn't with 6 dogs.  Not to mention being scared to do it, with my lack of nutritional education.  I always preferred to let the dog food companies do the work for me, but as it was Chevy wasn't taking so well to his kibble as it was.   He ate it, but wasn't too thrill about eating it.  I know he was new here and he had been though so many changes that made him nervous that I didn't want food to be one of them.  So I bought some recipe books and we took the plunge into home cooked dog food.  

The first thing I noticed, like immediately, was his grass consumption went down considerably.  I'd like to say he stopped altogether, but I think Chevy's grass eating is a habit he won't quit.  So cutting down was huge!  Sometimes after he eats, he bypasses it all together.  So that was a definite plus of fixing his food.  

The second thing I noticed was the horrible gas he had dissipated.  I mean it was awful and went down to almost no smell.  That was awesome!

After that I noticed the Chevy didn't have that "doggy smell."  He had a bath a couple weeks after we got him and I thought it was going to be a regular thing, but honestly, he doesn't need one except to maybe rinse the dirt off of him.  Another bonus!

And the most recent thing I've notice after feeding him cooked food for the last 9 weeks, is that his fur is silky smooth and so healthy.  I am loving it!  

I still feed Chevy kibble sometimes, but it is an add-in and not the main meal.  I cook almost everything in my Instant Pot pressure cooker.  I am learning as I go and I am enjoy making his food.  I know exactly what he is eating and how much.  There is something really comforting in knowing that.  

I know there are all kinds of controversies on what to feed our dogs, all I know is that homecooked is working for Chevy and me.   


Anonymous said...

Despite what the modern pet food industry tries to tell us, you've proved that Mom's home cooking is best! Thank heavens for the Insta Pot as well. Chewy must be feeling so much better now, he's a lucky boy to have caught your eye and it's good to hear that you are happy also.

kruzingwithk9s said...

https://truthaboutpetfood.com/ is a great website and she makes a list of dog foods raw if you need them. Slippery elm (I use soloray)-two capsules with a little bit of milk helps my dogs with upset stomachs. It coats the stomachs. I know my dogs sometimes just eat grass for the nutrients it offers and do not throw up. Portland pet food is another place to check out. We use raw but also some premade raw or kibble if we need variety.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is great. We know there are lots of people out there who do homecooked, and we are sure you can find lots of guidance online. Great news of Chevy.

Woos - Misty and Timber

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you for your kind words. We are so happy with the Chevy's results.

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you so much for the info. I will check it out. I would like to do raw, but I don't think I could stomach it. lol

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you! We are so happy with the results and it is fun too. :)

Collie222 said...

A friend always cooked for her dogs, and they lived very long lives, one even made it to 16! There is something to be said for fresh food, but like you, with a multi dog household, it would be too expensive for us.