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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chevy: 3 month Gotcha Day

Those wrinkles!

It has been 3 months since we picked up Chevy from the Humane Society and he is coming along just fine.  He was a pretty confident dog when we got him and yes, looking back he had some anxiety, but that little bit is melting away day by day.  I have literally felt him back in his skin.  Which is wonderful. 

We discovered he was a therapy/support dog.  Which explains a lot of his mannerisms and behaviors.  Like why he feels so secure with himself and other people. Including dogs, cats and kids.  What a blessing he has been to introduce him to our doggie friends, take him to the vet and out in public.  He loves everybody!  In fact, I have to pull him away from greeting every single person he sees.  lol

We did a DNA test on Chevy and found out he is 100% Labrador Retriever.  A friend of ours thought he might be an English Lab.  When I looked up the breed, Chevy fit the criteria.  His Yellowish-red coat was what threw us off and we wondered if he was a mix.  I can't explain the genetics, but turns out he is considered a Yellow Lab, even with his reddish coat. 

Nothing like a dog with a stick

I introduced the "find it" game to Chevy and he loves it.  You should have seen the first treat he found on his own, his eyes lit up.  It has been fun doing nose work with Chevy, especially since Labs are sight dogs.  He is getting lots of practice.  I just started elevating the treats, on chairs or tables, and he picked up on that quickly. 

Chevy is as sweet and loveable as the first day we picked him up.  It is amazing what love of a dog can do for you.  I wouldn't have traded our time without a dog, I needed that time, and now it is time for Chevy.  ♥ 



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It sounds like the wait was well worth it:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

24 Paws of Love said...


Collie222 said...

So it looks like you have bonded and have become a happy family! I’m so happy for you all!

Collie222 said...

Thank you! The red is cheerful! What do you think of the current one? Too busy?

Collie222 said...

Thank you! I think the red is winning. Lol