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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, April 22, 2024

My Bedtime Buddies

The last stuffies of: (l to r) Blaze, Chance, Fiona and Zappa

These are my bedtime buddies.  Each stuffie is one of the last toys that the four pups, Blaze, Chance, Fiona and Zappa played with before they died.  

So I hold them in just that order across my chest and fall asleep with them in my arms.  They bring me comfort.

For a long time I couldn't sleep without them in that position.  These stuffies did a great deal to help with my grief.  I talked to them like they were the dogs.  

While now it's not necessary to sleep with them every night, I still do occasionally, they are always on the bed next to me.  They still bring me comfort, just by being there. 

Do you have a favorite doggie stuffie?


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Confessions of a grieving dog mom

 I haven't been able to eat raw vegetables since Chance, Blaze and Fiona died three years ago.  All the dogs liked vegetables but Chance and Blaze were my ultimate veggie dogs, being that they were the kitchen dogs. We especially like sharing them at lunch time and snack time.  I lost my desire and taste for veggies after losing the dogs.  I couldn't fathom even eating a tomato or a cucumber (my favs) because the grief was unbearable.  

 I haven't had a vegetable garden since they died either. I use to grow tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, (the three staples) along with carrots, broccoli, lima beans, hot peppers, and green beans,  Chance and Blaze used to do a dance when I would gather up food from the garden waiting to get their bite of fresh veggies.  They were always so happy, it made the garden chores worth it.  

For Chance and Blaze I would grow climbing green beans on the fence where they could reach them, so they always had a fresh supply.  The beans that were at the top of the fence, I would pick and take turns feeding them to Chance and Blaze.  They made everything about eating vegetables so much fun.   

And now I have to find that fun for myself.  As you might imagine my health has been impacted by not eating enough vegetables and it is time to add  them back into my diet.   And while I needed a push, it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would.  I will always miss that special time with dogs, but now I think they are looking over me helping me get healthier and happier and I wouldn't have it any other way.