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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Dear Friends, 

I made it to Blaze's one year anniversary, only to feel like I fell off a cliff the next day.  

Reality is so hard.

Now Chance and Fiona's one year anniversary is coming up and I'm grieving hard.  They died three days apart from each other and I am not handling it very well.  

I wanted to write up a little memoir for both of them and I don't know if I can do it.  I have been at a loss for words and have been feeling quite numb.  I'm surprised I made it this far for this post.  

I can't look at Facebook anymore. The groups I'm on, it seems as if all the dogs are dying.  It has become a living reminder of what I am going through myself.  

So, I don't know if I will be able to do something for Chance's and Fiona's day, but I know I will be thinking of them.  

Hope you are all doing well.

Thank you for thinking of us.  

Patty, Mark, and Zappa


TimberLove said...

Wooo, thinking of you friends, may we all meet again,

Nuk & family

FiveSibesMom said...

Sending you hugs...the anniversaries are all so difficult, but the firsts are the very worst. And having lost two of my FiveSibes 3 months apart, and then a year later Bandit, then and Wolfie...my broken heart feels so much for you. As you said, it's like falling off a cliff...I just started back out on my deck, and man I procrastinated as I miss Wolf and realize I will never see his face or hear his woo or feel his fur again. It sucks. I, too, am feeling the impact of Facebook and all the dogs we have come to know are also earning their wings, making our losses seem like we are going through it all again each time...Be kind to yourself. Give extra hugs to Zappa from me...and together, we go through this one step, one minute, one day at a time...keeping all the good, fun, crazy, loving memories close to the heart. xoxo