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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, March 14, 2022

Remembering my girl, Blaze. One year anniversary

That white streak is how Blaze got her name.
Little did we know she would give it a whole other meaning!

Blaze was born of Silver and Brut's litter.  She was the ninth puppy born.  And she was a natural born instigator.  Always starting something.  She was that way from the time she was born, until the time that she died.  It was an infectious quality she had.  I didn't always appreciate it, but learned to love her more for it.    

My first real memory of Blaze, (because her birth is a blur now) is when she was about 2-3 weeks old.  All the puppies would be settling down for a nap, getting all cozy with each other, and here would come Blaze pouncing on everyone with that baby bark, "Get up! Get up!  She was hilarious.  I still crack up when I think about it.  I can't stop laughing about it now. 

My flower barrel became a favorite spot in those early days back home.
My second vivid memory of Blaze is when her previous owners gave her back to us.  Our four dogs, were out back playing and Blaze's high pitched bark was rapidly firing off from the kitchen.   The dogs had rejected her when she came home and she so desperately wanted to play with them.  Well, I walked in through the door to the kitchen expecting to see her at the door, I followed her voice and there she was on top of the kitchen island!  Blaze was all fired up, shaking her tail and head and yipping with this huge smile on her face.  I was shocked!  This girl was crazy!  I even went so far as to put up a fence around the island table and the kitchen counter trying to stop her.   That lasted about a half a minute when I realized I couldn't use the table myself.  lol  I worked with her to stop jumping on the the counter and table, but I don't think it stopped until Chance came back.  She finally had another dog to play with and call her own.  

There was the time she jumped in the car when we went to visit her with her owners.  She was ready to come home then.  As it turned out about a week later was when they returned her to us.  She was so spot on!

I spent several months sleeping on the bathroom floor with Blaze.  She had been so hurt by her owners that she was a shell of herself.  She wouldn't sleep next to me at first, but over time she would lay down by my feet.  I remember how timid she was doing that, that I just held my breath when she did come on my blanket.  Tiny amounts of trust started in that bathroom.

After her spaying.  If Blaze could talk!

Blaze was so whip smart!  After the trust was built, there was no stopping her.  I was so intimidated by her intelligence.  Those wheels were also turning!  We were always trying to outsmart each other, but somehow it seemed Blaze was always on top.  I especially noticed it when we were on our walks.  That mind of her was always working on ways to pull me along.  I threw my hands up many a time walking her that I would just turn around and go home.  She was too much for me some days. 

I'll never forget the time Blaze and I had a frustrating day together and I was at my wits end.  It was my turn to sleep with her and I was trying to find a way for both of us to wind down for the night.  (This was before Chance had come back)  When I pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream for us to share.  Blaze loved it!  She began to calm down and I began to come to.  She was so in love with ice cream.  That was the first time and it wasn't our last.  But I was loving our girls night together.  Blaze made everything she loved to do into the most exciting thing in the world.  I loved that about her.  Didn't matter what it was, if she was excited about it, she loved it!

Blaze didn't just dig...she built trenches!

One thing Blaze loved to do was run and being a part-time Husky she was born with the perfect frame and drive to pull a sled.  Don't let her 63 pounds fool you, she pulled me behind her effortlessly.  It was one the most beautiful things to experience, as she moved with fluidity and grace when she pulled.  It was breathtaking.  It came to her as natural as breathing.  As exquisite as she was, her long body galloping down the snow covered trail, there was a twist, she was still Blaze.  When she pulled she was on a mission, she knew she was in charge and she took that freedom to new heights every time when sledded together.  Her goal:  to look for dogs or go where ever the hell she wanted!  We were lucky though, we only had one encounter with a couple of dogs and their owner and just made it out of there alive.  (Something I'll share at another time.)  Blaze had a mind of her own and if she could get away with it, she did.   

Blaze was an amazing dog.  A little of everything you want and don't want in a dog.  Her spirit just vibrated with life, love and happiness.  As it still does today.  We were doubly blessed when she came back home and to have lived the life we did with her on Earth.  And we can't wait for our heavenly reunion someday.  

We miss you Sweet Pea.  You will always be our Baby Girl.

A chip off the ol' block.
Smiling in front of Daddy Dog Brut's roses.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A long overdue Zappa update

I don't know why it is so hard for me to write about Zappa.  Being that he is the last "puppy," I feel protective of him.  Also it is hard to write just about him without missing the others.  Not to mention we don't have that deep seeded bond like I did with the others.  Oh, we love each other and have our moments together.  He comes to me when he needs something or wants me to interoperate for him or if he is scared, but honestly our relationship is on a need to know basis.  

Zappa is Mark's dog, his heart dog.  Their closeness started the minute Zappa was born.  As Momma Dog Silver was a new mom, and was too busy cleaning herself up after the birth of her first born to take care of him.  Mark, took right over cleaning up Zappa, cutting the cord to get him ready for his new world and they have been tight ever since then.  And if that wasn't close enough for Zappa, now he has his heart boy all to himself and only has me to battle with for Mark's affection and love.  It was why the sleeping arrangements didn't work out between Zappa and I, he needed Mark.  I have felt hurt and rejected because Zappa will only let me get so close to him, but have learned how important and precious his relationship is with Mark and the opportunity to have Mark all to himself, that my feelings have grown to one of respect and adoration.  They both need this time together and each other, without my petty feelings getting in the way.  After all I took care of five dogs that I was able to have a special relationship with, it was Mark's turn to experience the beauty of having a heart dog.  

Zappa has come a long way this past year.  He is still getting his cold laser treatments on his hips, back and legs twice a week.  That is going good.  We switched to a closer vet for those treatments, as you may remember, Zappa stands in the van for the whole ride.  So, instead of standing for three hours round trip, he is only standing an hour, and it makes a huge difference in his recovery time.  We are still struggling to find a calming chew that will take the edge off Zappa's anxiety without drugging him.  Although, it is possible that we may never be able to curb his nerves about riding in the van and going to the vet.  We are going to try desensitizing him to car rides and the vet, to see if that helps.  Yeah, good luck with that!

In December his liver levels were slightly up and after having a ultrasound of his abdomen, all of his organs were great, except his gall bladder had some sludge in it.  Whatever that means.  But it is nothing serious, just part of old age and could be the cause of the rise in the liver.  

Our vet found a growth in between his front toes and had it checked out.  It wasn't cancerous!  Yay!  That was a little scary, but it looks like the growth is shrinking, which is also good news.  

It looks like Zappa has accepted us as his pack members, since losing his brother and sisters.  We are settling in as 3-pack group. (with a couple of cats on the side.)  I have no doubt Zappa still thinks about his siblings.  He still has moments of sadness and looks lost.  I think he misses having a dog around to be a dog with, but neither of us are ready.  I also know he enjoys all the special attention he gets being an only dog and I believe right now that makes up for not having another close canine around.  

Overall we are holding our own.  The year anniversary of Blaze's death is coming up in March with Chance and Fiona to follow in May.  Hard to believe it has been a year without them and having only Zappa.  Thank God we have each other or none of us would have made it through this alone. 

We are taking everything day by day.  Praying that Zappa makes it through winter to spring, is my only goal for him.  

Thanks for hanging in there with us.  

God bless.