Fall was long for us and rather mild. So, with the onset of winter and snow, blistering winds and ice in the last week, I am already getting cabin fever.
The dogs were always great at breaking that fever. Dog sledding, dog walks, rough housing and running in the snow. We always had such fun! I'm going to miss those times. That and our indoor games of "find it." We always had a blast playing that game! Hiding treats all over the house and having the dogs find them. Some were obvious places and played over and over again. But there were always a few treats that were really hidden in a new spot. Chance and Blaze were geniuses at the game. All I had to say was, "I see one, two, three, etc. that you missed and they were back in it. Searching frantically to beat the other. It wasn't often but I have stumped them a few times and had give some clues as to where the hidden goodie was. Oh, how I miss playing that game with them!

I miss having a pack of dogs around. I miss the aggravation and the laughter. I miss wanting to pull my hair out and wanting to hug them. I miss the love that filled this house. Every room filled with a dog. I miss the antics, the barking, and the howling choir. I miss grumbling about every day chores and how the dogs made it fun. I really miss behavior training. It was the heart and soul of those misfit huskies and the rewards were priceless!
This will be our first winter without all of the above. And I'm going to miss it.