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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, March 19, 2021

Chance's Grief

The first night without Blaze was the worse for Chance.  Mark was up with him most of  the night while Chance paced at several different speeds through the house throughout the night.  Inside, outside he didn't know what to do.  He kept looking for Blaze, even though we showed Chance her body before burying her, but he couldn't find her.  He kept looking from the spot where her body was to the grave.  

The second night Chance sniffed around the grave and dug just a little into the sand on top of it.  The third night he got right on top of the grave and sniffed it for more than a few minutes.  And on the fourth night, just last night, he buried a bone at the head of the grave.  Later today, he dug it up and chewed on it for an hour, outside, standing up the whole time.  When Mark went to take him for a walk, he didn't want to go.  Chance has never turned down a walk.  EVER!  He's still eating and drinking water, which is good, but we found blood in his stool tonight.  Time might be shorter than we think or hoped for our Chance.  Turning down a walk is a good indicator that something is wrong.

So between the cancer and losing Blaze, this might be more than our loving boy can take.  Please keep Chance in your prayers and thoughts.  Thank you!


KB said...

Chance (and you) are in my thoughts. I am sending hugs to all of you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Dogs grieve more than most of us understand. Hugs to all of you. It is never easy.

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, this so breaks my heart...we just went through this when Wolf lost his sister Bandit, and the fourth of our pack this past October. Wolf didn't eat, had zero interest in playing, and just cried under his breath. Grief truly grips them and it is so sad. It takes time, but sadly for the packmates left behind,it is not an easy road...I sure hope he will find his way soon...sending Chance a big gentle hug, and ones for you also. We are thinking of you all... xoxoxo