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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Chance is stable

 So far, so good with Chance.  Stable is the best word for his condition right now and we will take it.  He's lost weight over the last couple of weeks, but that seems to have balanced out at this point.  We made some changes to his diet and he is now eating all his breakfast. It is a nice sweet spot to be in and we are all getting a little respite out of it.  Just enough to take a few breaths and savor the moments.  A little God-given peace to enjoy that extra time with our special boy.  

Chance thanks you for thinking of us.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello Friend and Happy New Year!
I'm not sure where to start with my comments. I can feel the emotion in the posts that I've read about Chance, who I hope continues "kicking ass" well into 2021 - And I can feel the love as you talk about your precious little puppies that you met 13 years ago. I've no doubt that the homes you picked for those you homed are ones that gave them a good and full life filled with all the things all dogs deserve. ❤

FiveSibesMom said...

Sweet Chance...stay strong, boy...you have such loving parents. Enjoy your days, and may they be many, soaking up those sunbeams, hugging your doggie pillows, and enjoying every single hug and kiss! You're such a joy. I sure understand the peace it gives one when they do maintain some type of eating. Wolf has many bouts of not keeping food down, to not wanting to eat, to being hungry and the latter makes me giddy with hope. Sending Chance and you both huge hugs from Wolfie and me! xoxo