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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Little bit of good, little bit of not-so-good

This past week, Chance has taken a slight but significant turn for the worse.  The biggest issue has been his rapid weight loss.  His backbone and ribs are just starting to show and there is muscle loss.  We've added more protein to his diet per our vet's instructions, but Chance is still struggling a bit to eat in the morning.  He has no problem eating at night, so that is good.  He still barks for his meals and is in generally good spirits, another positive.  

Hubby, Mark is having a very difficult time witnessing Chance like this.  Well, we both are, but Mark is taking it the hardest right now.  It has been hard on him being a working dad and being away from the dogs.  He has missed out on so much time with them that he can't get back.  It breaks my heart.  

One shining light on Chance is Blaze.  She goes outside with Chance every. single. time. he goes out.  Struggling on her arthritic back legs, getting up and down, she makes sure Chance doesn't go out alone.  And even if she comes in before him, she has done her job.  Blazes loyalty shines a beacon of love in these sometimes dark times.

And while we have to take it easy on how far Chance and I walk, he is still one powerful, strong-willed dog, who can still pull me along if he wants.  Our walks are pretty brisk.  Chance is still the fastest of all the dogs, even with cancer.  

We have our good days and our bad, but overall Chance is still kicking ass and that's a good thing.  ♥    


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Chance is putting up the good fight. Enjoy your time with him. And hugs to Blaze for being such a good sister.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

KB said...

That is a good thing. I'm glad that he has his sister, Blaze. (and you humans).

womantalk said...

Great blog I enjooyed reading