The Paws
© 2025 24 Paws of Love
Brut Quote
Monday, November 30, 2020
Chance the Wonder Dog
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving!
The walks are a little shorter
and our pace has slowed down.
Naps are longer and deeper
Their voices are a little more raspy
and their eyes are a little heavier
Arthritis is strong throughout their bodies
and pain management is a must
4 "puppies" whom we loved before conception
are aging before our eyes
And we couldn't be more grateful for
Every. Single. Day. we have with them.
From our pack to yours,
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Chance's nervous tongue
Brut was not a licker with a couple of exceptions, if I was laying on the ground, he would lick my face all over. This happened most of the time in the wintertime. The second exception was when Mark would get home from work, Brut would lick his hands. It became a ritual with them two.
We didn't know it at the time, but before Brut was diagnosed with a tumor on the spleen, his licking ritual increased noticeably. Especially with Mark. Brut was licking Mark's hands, arms and face almost raw. Non-stop. We had no idea that anything was going on internally and guessed at the many reasons he was doing this.
Chance is a licker. He is one to lick your hands and face when given the chance. He has always indulged in kisses. Now since his liver cancer, we've noticed the same intense licking on hands, arms, legs and face. Almost every time we put our hand out to pet him, Chance stops it in mid-air and starts licking it. He is licking Mark's hands and arms almost raw every night. And it is getting worse with each day.
Chance knows something isn't right with his body even if he can't put words or definition to it. Brut did the same thing. I think it is comforting for Chance and is a way of releasing his anxiety. I also think he is preparing us and comforting us over what is going to happen. And I think as the cancer grows, the licking will too.
Has anyone noticed this with their ailing dog?