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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, July 6, 2020

Last weekend-Fiona scare

We had quite the scare with Fiona.  I mean a serious scare.  The vet was using the "E" word as an option when they found that her liver levels were way too high and she was in trouble.

It started last weekend.  First she didn't want to walk.  Then she didn't want to eat.  Then she became lethargic.  Monday morning (last Monday) we called the vet.

They said to drop Fiona off for the day and our vet would get to her in between her surgeries.  It was a very long day for Mark and I because we didn't know if she was coming home.

Finally they called us to say she was ready.  It was discovered it was her liver.  The said there were a couple of options.  Put her down or try adding a medicine to see if her liver will function with it.  We opted for the medicine.

Between canned dog food and her new liver medicine, she perked up quickly.  Like that night that we brought her home.  And she is just getting better and better every day.  Although we had to break down and get an air conditioner, because Fiona had heat exhaustion her second day home.  We aren't crazy about it, but it keeps her cool and that's all that matters.

So it isn't a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when," and depending how long the medicine works and her liver keeps functioning she will do just fine.

Until then we are going to make the most out of our time together with Fiona, feasting on all the love.