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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Paws and our ever changing Corona world

We wanted to check in with everyone and see how you are doing, now that all of our lives have changed during this scary time in our history.

We are doing well under the circumstances.  My life as a dog mom hasn't changed my routine much.  The best part is that Mark is home and the dogs are digging the extra time and attention from him.

The 24 Paws had their yearly checkup a few weeks ago.  Vaccine, heart worm check and a couple had blood work.  We got in just before the office changed their procedure to curbside pickup.  The entire staff was wearing masks and that was our first real contact with the reality that is happening around the world.

Michigan has been on a state lock down since the beginning of March with a stay-at-home order.  Restaurants and bars closed soon after, but you can still get takeout.  We are still able to walk the dogs.  Thank God for that or I'd really be losing my mind.  Things happened fast that first week or so and now it has become the norm.

We were blessed with an early thaw and we are in the beginnings of spring.  Which is a nice change of pace for us, as we usually have snow until April or May.  So we've been taking advantage of being outside more, a special blessing considering being on lock down.

So what about you?  Where are you in this corona fight?

We hope you are all well.  Please take care of yourselves out there.  We are thinking of you!

Be safe.


Pamela said...

I guess there are worse places to be than surrounded by everyone you love the most. <3

I hope you don't struggle too much with Mark being home. But so glad you're all safe together.

And yes, without Honey to walk I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

TimberLove said...

Hawwooo mates, we are safe here in Wyoming, love an woooos,


24 Paws of Love said...

Thanks for your concern Pamela. We are doing fine with Mark being home. It is great being all together. What is it about dog walkies that keep us so sane? lol

Nuk-We love you. Glad you are all safe together. Wooos back at ya!

kestrel said...

we have 8 paws here - a Samoyed who and a Spitz, both white and fluffy. How do you manage all of the dogs? My Thory alone is a handful cos he is alpha dog and squirts to mark his territory every where in and outside the house. Being trained be me but it s so hard to be angry with doggies as they know how to worm their way into out hearts

24 Paws of Love said...

Hi kestrel! Honestly I don't know how I manage. I pray and cry and shake my head a lot. lol Sorry to hear about Thory marking everything. I haven't dealt with that issue before. The Spitz family are a unique one, aren't they? They are independent thinkers. Like to make up their own mind. I guess over the years it has been about me training them and them training me. And I've just learned to roll with them and let them make their own decisions. I guess it has worked for me.

Good luck to you!

p.s. I enjoyed reading your blog!