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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, January 6, 2020

An innocent man behind the 24 Paws

Brut and Silver's litter of ten turned 12 years old on January 2nd.

Out of the ten, four are with us as the 24 Paws of Love.

Two are still alive and we still visit.

Two have passed on.

And two are in the wind.

We celebrated all their lives through Zappa, Fiona, Chance and Blaze with cake and presents.

It has been one hell of ride that we would do over again if asked.

I never would have believed that these puppies would change my life so drastically and dramatically.

Not just because they are Brut and Silver's pups and that both of their spirits shine through,

but also because we would be totally lost without them/

They have survived both of their parents and are carrying on the legacy Brut and Silver began.

I never believed in having puppies.  You hear all the time how wrong it is when there are so many sheltered and abuse animals needing love.  

And I agree.  I had totally closed my mind to the thought, when in walked Mark into my life and we got Silver.  I remember that day vividly.  We had barely got Silver in the car, when Mark said, "Wouldn't it be great to have puppies with her?"

I have been through many battles in my head over his innocent desire to breed Silver and have her puppies.  Severe battles of right and wrong and what was God's will for us.

Years of programming about spaying and neutering, over breeding, puppy mills, overcrowded shelters and abuse.  I felt like I was constantly violating some sort of oath by even considering breeding Silver.  

And then there was Mark, who always wanted a dog, but was never able to have a pet growing up.  He was innocent from all the rules and regulations that I was bound by and knew nothing of the cruelty and abuse that happens in the pet world.  He had been completely sheltered to what I had been over exposed to.  He could not fathom anyone ever hurting an innocent animal.  Not only were we at opposite side of the spectrum, there were all of fears of the pregnancy, the births, raising them and giving them to strangers.  

I was riddle with guilt of all sorts.  
And this was when having puppies were just in the talking stages. 

It was probably at that point our relationship that I put my whole trust in Mark and his innocent beliefs.  I still had much inner conflict, but I also put that wholehearted trust into Silver and let her guide us and make the ultimate  decision.  

And that's why these puppies are such a blessing.  They were chosen. 

From the beginning.  Long before the mating and the conception.  Mark and I were 100% committed.  With our love, our time, our money, and our faith.  And we will be committed until the end and beyond.  

All ten puppies can trust and know our love, no matter where they are, no matter the circumstances...til death due we part. 

And I am so grateful for this innocent man following his heart and how he changed mine to have Zappa, Fiona, Chance and Blaze today celebrating their 12th birthday.

They are priceless.

Happy Birthday Puppies!


ThePainterPack said...

Can't believe it has been 12 years!!! Have we really known each other this long? Time goes by so fast!!! God bless you all and the pups you have in your care, as well as the others.

24 Paws of Love said...

Incredible isn't it? Time sure does fly! The pups are 12, but we have been blogging for 10. Still seems like it has been forever. So glad to know you on this journey. God bless you and your pups as well.

KB said...

12 years!!! That blows my mind. I'm glad that you had a celebration of all that those pups have meant in your life.

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