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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, April 15, 2019

Chance plays

So I'm doing the daily cleaning up of the yard.  While not exactly exciting for the Front Dogs,  I notice Chance trying to rile up Blaze in a game of play.  I watch the two of them while finishing with my duties and while Blaze doesn't engage with Chance, she is being pretty frisky with him.  Which just eggs Chance on.  Spinning this way and that, back and forth and around in circles all with a big grin on his face.  It is the most energetic I've seen him since the snow has been melting.

Blaze has given all she is going to give in the form of play with Chance and so I jostle with him and next thing I know we are both running all around the yard chasing each other.  It was such a blast!

Ahhh...puppy days again!  How I miss playing with the dogs.  I mean really engaging and watching them have so much fun.  Chance is my jokester when he's really having fun and we give to each other just as good as we get.  He can be so carefree and he makes me laugh.  What's even better is that Chance initiate the play, so you know he was really in the mood to do so.  He isn't always so willing when  I try to get something going.  It's better when it's his idea.  :)  And I love that in-the-moment thinking.  We just did it.

What a great moment!

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