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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Husky Heaven- the Snow Paths

We are buried in a couple feet of snow.  At least!  Daddy Mark has been making snow paths with the snow blower, since we first got snow in December.  Good thing too, because we keep getting more and more snow as winter carries on.

The snow blower adds to the snow total, as you'll see in this first video of the front yard. It is more like 3 feet of snow out there. Daddy Mark and the Front Dogs take you on a tour of their snowy world.

It wouldn't be a complete tour if we didn't take you in the backyard with Daddy Mark and the Back Dogs.  This is Zappa and Fiona's snowy world.

Can you believe how deep it is?  It has been a good five years since we had this much snow.  Just this past week we had snowstorm after snowstorm to add to the accumulation!  It has been a crazy winter!  Stay warm and stay safe!

What's the weather like where you are at?


Cheerful Monk said...

Cold and snowy!

Maria said...
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KB said...

I bet that your pups love it!!! It has been a crazy winter, both at your place and at mine :)

World of Animals, Inc said...

Zappa and Fiona's snowy world looks like it's so much fun. We haven't had that much snow in a long time. We just love the videos you shared. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your week.
World of Animals