Dreaming of going outside again.
I'ma feeling so lazy and cozy and relaxed. I haven't gotten to the weekly news this week. Sorry we are late. I don't like to be behind and then playing catch up. It really bothers me quite a deal. Then I get on the fence of whether to do it late or not. It may not matter to anyone other than me, but that's OK, I'm the one who has to live with me. But I didn't have any news this week, or so I thought. I didn't think of it until the next day and the next day we were coming out of the polar vortex and one thing lead to another and now it is raining like a cold spring. It's been tough getting through this deep freeze we've been in since before the polar vortex happened. The poor dogs couldn't go out any longer than to do their business before their paws got cold. Walks were out and all we could do was try to survive the bitter temps. We did play some treat games and puzzles, but they never really satisfied them like a walk would do. I was also getting quite antsy and was desperate for a walk myself that I almost took them near the end of the cold snap, but again they were lifting their paws from the cold and I don't have booties for them to walk in. So we had to wait a couple more days.

Walk, walk, walk, hehe!!
We finally got our walk in this past Saturday. We were all a little rusty, but it felt good to get outside and stretch our legs. We went for a medium length walk, so as to not over do it and everyone was happy.

With the warmer weather came moving more firewood inside to the basement. We went through quite a bit of wood over the last three weeks. Amazing how quickly it all went.
Paws crossed for a walk someday...
Fiona and I have had a new little thing we do together. Before dinner time, we walk around the perimeter of the backyard. Daddy Dog Brut and I used to do this all the time as he did his security detail and now I get the privileged with Fiona.
I'll admit it...it is so darn hard to stop feeding Chance his two favorite things, cheese and yogurt. I broke down tonight while making dinner and gave him a tiny piece of cheese. I just couldn't deny him. Eating was just one of those things we did together. He and Blaze helped me heal when I was sick and couldn't eat. Eating together made me get better faster. This was when I discovered all the foods Chance and Blaze loved. They had a wide palette, especially when it cane to vegetables. But to see Chance mope around because we aren't having our little quality time together, just breaks my heart. He really LOVES food and he has always been like that. I can't help feeling bad for him. Imagine having to give up your favorite food. It's hard!
Polar Vortex are so boring.
We had our roof shoveled. There was over a foot and a half of snow on it. There was this pile in front of the house that didn't get cleaned up soon after and now it is solid. It has become Blaze's soap box! Oh, I wish I had a picture, but she caught me totally off guard. She's yapping away and I came to let her in and there she is on top of this pile that's got to be 3' x 4', just swinging her tail, nose up in the air, carrying on to anyone that would listen. It was too funny!!
Zappa has been making it a point to get on the couch after Daddy Mark gets home, so he can spend quality time with Daddy Mark. Zappa has always been Daddy's dog, but he has to fight for attention. And now he's got it, just by using his head, Zappa figure out a way to get that much needed attention. Being on the couch after Daddy gets home. :)
How did you survive the Polar Vortex??