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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, January 25, 2019

24 Paws Weekly News Vol. 2



The 24 Paws of Love standing their ground

The 24 Paws of Love are on strike due to neglected benefits.  Mr. Mouth, aka Zappa, the Spokesdog for the Paws tells us that due to lack of walks recently, they will no longer be handing out their unconditional forgiveness so easily.  

And for those wondering how the Paws plan to not forgive, considering it is a dog's natural state, Mr. Mouth had this to say, "We are part-time Huskies with attitudes!  Need I say more?" 

According to Mr. Mouth, it seems that the humans are too busy or too sore, so they are going to have to earn our forgiveness.  One walk at a time.  

You heard it here first.

Tell us your thoughts.  Do you agree with the strike?  
Are the 24 Paws justified in their reasoning?  
Can they hold out on their forgiveness, the very essence of a dog?
What do you think?


While this may look like pure guilt, let me assure you it is not.  Fiona, of the 24 Paws of Love is holding out on TV privileges for the humans as she takes her own personal stand for being neglected for walks.  She too has felt the sting of this wrong doing and is taking action.  No TV, means more walks.  Just saying...

What do you think?  Is Fiona being fair?


After last weekends Arctic blast, it "warmed up" and we got snow almost everyday.  Here is Zappa enjoying the snowflakes and...wait for it...  

Watch on YouTube.

We are in for another Arctic blast this weekend.   That means temperatures in the teens and single digits during the day and below 0 at night.  We'll be burning lots of wood to stay warm and snuggling with the pups.  Stay safe and warm everybody.

What's it like in your neck of the woods? 


Pamela said...

Haven't you ever explained to the pups that they have those nice fur coats and you don't. :)

Honey is Zappa's sister from another mister. She loves rolling in the snow. We tell people she's making snow angels.

KB said...

Ah, I love snow rolling. Our Black Dog does it at least once per outing in the winter!!!!

Be nice to your humans! They don't have fur coats for walks in bitter cold. Have you ever seen them roll in the snow?