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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Released fears and Every Day Miracles

It has almost been a month since we took Fiona to ER and had that terrible scare of vomiting and diarrhea with her.  Instantly we feared the worst, as it felt and looked like a repeat of Brut and Silver's deaths.  I hate that feeling.  Hubby, Mark felt it too.  It tears you to shreds, that fear, of losing everything all over again much too soon.  It is the worst feeling in the world.

It took about three weeks for Fiona to fully recover.  It seemed like forever.  She is now back to eating full meals and is her lovable and conniving self.  I wish I knew what got her so sick.  She ate that rabbit two weeks before she got sick, would it really take that long or did I notice too late?  Regardless, the entire thing was so frightening and unbelievable that Mark and I were wiped out emotionally and physically from the whole experience.  

And it isn't like we haven't been through bouts like this before, but having the flashbacks of losing Brut and Silver entangled in it, gives an entirely different element.  I'm not ready to face the inevitable of losing the last four dogs of the family.  I just pray for one more day, every day and do my best to give them a long, healthy life.


All I know for sure, is that every day is a blessing with them.  A complete and total gift from God that these four dogs are part of our living family.  They are our every day miracles.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Good to hear about Fiona! Happy Thanksgiving!