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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Our First Snowfall Of the Year!

We have about 4 inches of snow that fell on yesterday in what seemed like a mini-blizzard.

Fall isn't even over with yet.  There are still many trees with leaves on them in our area!

This is the Back Dogs "Dog Talk Time" Canopy, where we spend many days and nights starting our days and catching up at night.  We start as early in the spring as possible, through summer and as late into fall that we can.  

The Front Dogs have one as well.  And like every day is with two packs, we visit one side and then the other.  Gotta be fair.  :)

And then there is Zappa who venture out with me tonight to get these snow pics.  He is more concerned with what creatures might be living in the wood shed than me getting his picture.  bol

Love this one with the snow on his nose!

He was waiting for his modeling treats that I didn't have. I'm getting that look!

And the pine trees!  Can't call it up north without the pine trees.  

Happy Snow Day!

A quick update for those who are wondering...

Fiona is doing much, much better.  We think the antibiotic she was taking was making her a little queasy and that may be the reason she was having a hard time eating.  She just took her last one today, so hoping she will get back her to regular food amount.  She needs to gain back those couple of pounds she lost!

Thank you again for the POTP for her!


Deb said...

Poor Zappa - no goodies, haha! Glad to hear about Fiona, Cooper was just on antibiotics for an elbow issue and he wouldn't either. He could lose a couple pounds though (according to our vet). Enjoy your snow - we have it too!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Glad that your girl is feeling somewhat better - We'll keep the POTP coming for her!

There really is something special about that first snowfall of the year. But you are right, it's too soon, and I hope it's not a sign of what's to come. Stay warm and have a good week!