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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Sunrise

It all started at dusk when Zappa, Fiona and I went outside to enjoy the warm morning air.  It was 71°F.  A record for this time of the year.  We sat drinking in the gentle warmth anticipating the sunrise.

We do not have a horizon, we live the forest with trees everywhere, but just above the tree tops it is possible to get a peek of both the sun rising and setting.  A glimmer, if you will, and as I was about to find out that is all you need.

Zappa was laying about in the middle of the yard, directly in front of me, facing east.  While Fiona was at my feet in her personally dug hole, probably still half asleep.  It was early for all of us being that we are night dogs and people.  It made watching this sunrise even more special.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly noticed a pinkish hue glowing against the shed.  For a second I thought, " I never noticed the shed that color before..."  Then my eyes immediately went to the sky as my consciousness caught up to what my eyes were seeing.

It quickly built up from a pinkish-orange into a rich magenta and then quickly faded in a matter of minutes.  But in those few minutes, the whole yard was washed in pink.  It was absolutely beautiful.  And Zappa, Zappa's face just glowed in color as he watched the incredible light crescendo and descend.

I can't remember the last time I have felt so awed by a sunrise.  It was like touching the hand of God.

And Zappa, he could make a believer out of you, bathing in the cascading light that was connecting him to the Big Dog in the sky.

Yeah, it was that powerful.

1 comment:

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I call those "perfect moments" where time seems to stand still, and you're truly engulfed in a magical moment. It really is powerful and special. I know you'll remember and treasure it. We need more of those moments, especially these days. Thank you for sharing.

I hope you've had a good weekend!