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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blaze's deteriorating lenses.

Huskies and Labs are sight dogs.   Their eyes are their strongest sense.  All four of our dogs are about 3/4 Husky and a 1/4 Lab, so their eyes are important.

I started noticing a couple of years ago that Blaze's eyes were clouding over.  In fear of glaucoma, the vet checked her out and said,"It was lens deteriorationWhich is just as it sounds.  Old age catching up and the lenses begin to deteriorate.  For the most part she can still see and you may notice her struggle more at night."  

I wonder if it is hereditary?  If so, they probably got it from their mother, Silver, as she also had it.  Because I also see slight signs of it in the rest of the dogs.  Or is it normal old age? 

I don't really notice any difference with Blaze, except when we play "find it."  (I throw treats around the yard and they "find it")  When I throw the treats, she strains to see them fly and land.  Then she looks back at me, wondering if I really did throw them, because she can't see them.  There is a look of worry in her face.  At this point I throw a couple more closer to her, hoping she will see them, but it is mute.  Eventually she tries to find them with her nose.  I didn't realize how much she depended on her sight for that game.  And if I really think about it, I am sad for her, but honesty that's the only sign I see.  Otherwise she my silly, bouncing, mouthy Blaze who can still catch treats in the air, keep the cat in check and catch a chipmunk, like the rest of the gang. 

I'm sure there will be more things that show as she continues to age.  All I can do is take it in stride, don't dwell on it and give her the best life possible.  Really that's all any of us can do for our dogs and enjoy every minute with them.  


Collie222 said...

Dogs do adapt to losing their sight (or hearing) as they age. They handle it far better than humans do. It helps them if we try to keep furniture/objects in the same locations, so they don't bump into them.

KB said...

You have a wonderful attitude. I hope that Blaze keeps doing so well!