There are the usual things, like collars, leashes, blankets, bowls, toys and beds that we keep after our furry loved ones pass on. I even have the last medications from both Silver and Brut, stored away for what, I don't know. I'm sure there are many more common things that us pet lovers keep, but what is the strangest? What is that oddball thing that you just can't seem to part with? That one thing that no one would understand except for your pet and you?
Mine is this stack of large yogurt cups.
Hubby, Mark can't understand why I've kept them. Heck, I don't even know if I understand why I can't part with them.
Brut and I used to share a bit of yogurt every day all by ourselves. He was just so adorable with food when we were alone. No other dogs to threaten him and he would be so comical and attentive with me. No fear. He was so beautiful in these moments. He was so bright eyed and bushy tailed, if you will. His true self shining through. Not the leader of the pack dog or the enforcer dog. He was so content and happy to share with me and I with him.
I could get him to do anything for food. Place him in any position. Add props. Anything. But during our yogurt time, he was free to just be himself. Happy and free with a treat. It was kind of magical who this boy was when his guard was down.

He would eat from a spoon and he was good at it. His eyes were soft and intent while his fur stood on end in excitement. He had a smile on his face that shined with serenity.
This is the first time I really explored why I've kept these yogurt cups and now it makes sense to me.
It was my quality time with the REAL Brut.
The boy I will always remember.
How I wish I had a picture of his face of happiness.
At least now I have the memory the go with the cups.
So how about you? What the strangest thing you ever kept from a loss pet?