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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Zappa update

Zappa is doing much better since his er visit three days ago where he was treated for a pinched nerve in his lower back.

He's been resting and going for short walks.
I knew he was feeling better yesterday when the "Mouth" came back to join us.  He'd been so quiet those first days that I felt spoiled.  bol  It was good to have him back though.

We've had some great spring weather and Zappa's been taking advantage of it.  He has been staying outside all the time.

We have our fingers crossed that the nerve is becoming un-pinched with the rest he's had and that the anti-inflammatory pills will heal him up real soon.


Lavinia said...

I'm so happy Zappa is feeling better! Even if he was more quiet when he was feeling bad, I'm sure you are glad he is back to his normal self. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about Zappas pinched nerve, dat sounds sore! But I'm so glads to hear he's doing better!

Love Milo xo

Deb said...

Great news on Zappa's progress. I have decided to put Cooper back on the Dasuquin. After you mentioned how well it worked I decided to give it another go and am happy to report he seems to be responding better this time around. He's still walking funny but with the look of his x-rays it's no wonder. He seems to have a little more pep in his step.

Hope Zappa continues to heal and has better days ahead.

Pamela said...

Poor Zappa. That must feel terrible. And dogs are so much more courageous than humans.