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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Thursday, April 26, 2018

My poor Fiona

Had a bit of a scare last night with Fiona.  Her hip dysplsia had her in acute pain.  I over walked her the night before, but she didn't show any signs of pain until yesterday afternoon.  I gave her some medicine for the inflammation.  It usually only takes  about 45 minutes to an hour to work, but this time the pain must have been so deep, it took almost 5 hours before Fiona could settled down.  She was in so much pain that she couldn't lay down for any length of time.  She kept trying to lay down, then would get up and pace, panting, then do it all over again.  I had put in a call to the vet, but there wasn't much more I could do for her, but pray and wait. It was almost 8pm before she was able to lay down for 15 minutes straight.

There is nothing worse than feeling so helpless when one of the dogs is suffering.  Never have I seen her in that much pain for that length of a time.  I tried to comfort her the best I could, but it just didn't seem enough.

Today we are taking it easy and not taking any walks.  Fiona is a 100% better than she was last night, back to her feisty self.  I will continue with the medicine for about 3 more days then see how she is and if she will need more.  My guess is she won't need any more than that which will be great.


Deb said...

So glad to hear that she recovered. I have a hound that has serious hip issues. I have given him numerous kinds of "treatments" to no avail. He also has arthritis and I can't seem to find anything that really works. What is it that you give her? My vet prescribed Dasuquin but it didn't help as much as I had hoped.

Lavinia said...

I'm happy she is feeling better, that must have been an awful day for both of you. Is there any way to prevent the inflammation? Sorry for my ignorance.

24 Paws of Love said...

HI Deb! So sorry to hear about your hound. How old is he? Fiona has been on Dasiquin for 7 years and it works wonders for her. She was taking it once a day, but This past year we have been giving it twice a day. Sorry to hear it didn't work for your dog. It's been a miracle for us.

For pain and inflammation I give her Meloxicam (vet prescribed). It works great it just seem to take a long time to work this time. Half a pill and I am only giving as needed. I can give every day, but with the Dasiquin she really doesn't need it unless we walk to far or she hurts herself running in the yard.

Wish I could help more. Hope you find something that works.

24 Paws of Love said...

Lavi, we give her a glucosamine chewable called Dasiquin that works for prevention. We just over did it on a walk and she was in pain. Normally I don't have to give her anything extra, but this time she was hurting. She's been fine ever since.

How Sam Sees It said...

Hugs! I hope she has continued to improve.

Monty, Harlow, and Ramble