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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

I've been in a writing slump for a while now.  Depression, the weather, no dog sledding and not enough dog walks.  And after last weekend's snowstorms that dumped a foot of snow in four days, I was beginning to feel at the end of my rope. 

That's when I picked up pen and paper and wrote this for Brut:


You were fast and furious like the winds
that fell as gentle as the night sky
There was just something about you
that pushed the envelope
and brought rainbows in the night
Forever and ever how I will love you
Forever and ever the time was always right
My star, my love keeps falling
like the rain
You changed my life forever
In life and beyond
I will never know that love again
But only through God


Writing this even though some of it didn't make any sense to me, helped to break the ice of my writing slump.  I re-read it today and today it made sense to me.  Today is Brut's two year and 10 month anniversary of his passing.  This is how I'm feeling at this marker today about the dog that transformed my life and everything I know about dogs.  The heart and soul of this blog.

My forever dog, Brut


Lavinia said...

A beautiful homage to your dear Brut. I am sure he can feel your love out there.

gail said...

Gos blessed you with him. Beautiful tribute of love.

KB said...

Those of us who have had dogs who changed us forever are the lucky ones. We know how deep the love for a dog can be. We are molded by that memory.

Your poem and words are a wonderful tribute to Brut.