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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, December 11, 2017

That would be heaven to me

I never know where my words will take me and the discoveries I will make when I write.  Sometimes it is my own personal revelations, but most of the time it is about that symbiotic relationship with the dogs and I.  It becomes mind opening and mind blowing all at the same time.

The last couple of days we have gotten a foot of snow for the dogs to play in.  There is nothing like watching Huskies in their element.  Their entire being just comes to life.  Their blood just vibrates with sheer excitement as all their senses are awakened.

I too feel the same way about the snow and cold.  I feel I can breathe deeper and reach further.  I feel my blood pump with ice and relish in the quiet serenity that surrounds me.

The dogs want to run instead of walk.  And I would give anything to shed this crappy human body and be transformed into a dog, so we could run together.  The closest I can come to that is when we dog sled.  But that too, is limited.  I want to suck in that freedom that comes when running like a Husky dog in the snow.  I don't know what Heaven will be like, but that would be heaven to me.



Collie222 said...

The collies enjoy it too, but huskies really do seem to celebrate a snowfall.

24 Paws of Love said...

Collie, that is an excellent way of putting it!

The Daily Pip said...

I love the cold and snow, too, as long as it is also sunny. Cloudy, dreary weather gets to me regardless if it is warm or cold. So, my idea would be cold but bright and sunny.

Ruth said...

I have 2 little dogs that seem to have so much joy when they are out running in the snow. My littlest one dives into snowdrifts and comes out with the biggest smile. I want that joy, the sheer delight in running full tilt with no worry.
I'm not a cold lover myself, but they really make me find that joy in the fresh cold air and beautiful muffled quiet.