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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Saying Hello!

We had our first snow flurry today.  It started with sleet, then turned to snow and then rain, so nothing stuck. 

Took Blaze in for blood test.  Nothing is wrong, just wanted to do a check on her.  She was the last one to get it done out of the four and we just wanted to get a baseline now that they will all be turning ten years old at the first of the year.  All the dogs are healthy, all of their blood test and x-rays came back good.   

Ten years...seems like the blink of an eye and yet so long ago.  Such a different world back then when all ten little bundles were born and Brut and Silver were so young.  I would've never guessed they would both be gone now.  There is still that emptiness with the two remaining Back Dogs.  Brut and Silver are missing and so much has changed. 

Zappa is King now and Fiona is the Queen of the Back Dogs.  I now have four Alpha Dogs between the two packs.  While not a new position for the Front Dogs who have always been a pack of two, but for the Zappa and Fiona it is a completely new being for them.  It is also one of many reason I don't think the two packs will ever merge.  Some day though, there will be new blood entering their world.  It will be interesting to see what happens with a new puppy in the house, turning their worlds upside down.  :)

I procrastinated on walks today.  I wasn't ready for the wet cold that was out there.  With just enough daylight left, I finally bit the bullet.  Chance was feeling it.  He was ready to run and pull.  He kept making these little attempts to run and looked like a mini bucking horse.  lol  And not to be outdone, Blaze proved she was ready as well.  Good signs that both dogs want to pull in the snow.  Hopefully I will be able to have them pull me on my three wheel bike before we get too much snow.  A good warm-up for when we can dog sled.  Can't wait!

That's all for today.  Hope everyone is having a Happy Halloween! 


The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely post. I do understand how much can change in ten years - it seems so long ago, but also like yesterday. We just had our four year anniversary of Pip's passing on October 19. Feels like yesterday. I am a little late but will have a post up for him on Friday.

No snow for us yet, but definitely cold.

White Dog Blog said...

The change of seasons brings out the time lost and eras gone. We too are struggling to wrap our heads around the fact that there are now TEN White Dogs who have crossed the Bridge...and that the White Dog Army has been to date, TWENTY! Love to you all.

Unraveling Ancestors said...

Ten years. Doesn't it all go like the blink of an eye. My husband's mantra was: change is good. I've always had trouble with that, especially when it comes to the lifespans of my animals. It's just never long enough.