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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Love still found a way

As crazy as it might sound, I'm really OK with the dogs being separated.  Well, most of the time.  Of course it would be great if they could all be together, but as it stands now, it isn't possible.

It isn't the separation that bothers me, it is the aggression.  Eight years of Brut was enough for me to throw in the towel.  I used to think I wanted to work with aggressive dogs, but all those years of Brut steadily changed my mind.  It's another reason the separation doesn't bother me because I still get to keep all our dogs despite the fact that they can be aggressive and reactive with each other.  I still see it as a win-win.

There is also a real peace of mind.  It would've killed to have to give up any one them because they couldn't be together.  I still believe this is a viable solution and in many ways is kind of cool, like living in two different worlds.  There is also a little more personal time when you're only with two dogs at a time.  It has made for more quality time for everyone even though it is split between the two packs.

Ya know, we haven't had a fight in this house in three years and Brut has only been gone for two.  Pretty amazing.  The only reason this last one happened with Fiona and Blaze was because the separation door didn't shut all the way.  We were careless and in a rush and didn't notice it didn't shut. We are taking care of the door and being more aware whether it closes all the way or not.  Just another reminder of how our dogs are animals, with instincts that they act upon, whether we understand it or not.

So this isn't a bad deal.  Having four dogs divided in twos.  And it is hardly the end of the world because they are still "together" here with us and that makes the whole separation worth it.

If you really, really want something, love will find a way.

1 comment:

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Going through my blog list, and saw yours, and thought I'd stop by to let you know I'm thinking about you.

I can totally understand and respect where you're coming from in this post. We've had to do the same thing, for the same reason, and you are right, if you really want something, love does find a way.

I do hope all continues to be well with you and your crew! Take care!