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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

It is not meant to be

If I had any hope of the dogs merging as one, they were shattered the minute I broke up a dog fight between Fiona and Blaze.  And the more the fight plays in my head, the more I realized that it is not meant to be.  It is not meant for the Front Dogs and the Back Dogs to become one pack at least with current members.  I while I am hurt by the thought, I think I've known it all along.  

It is probably why Mark's busy schedule doesn't leave us any time to actually work on the two packs together.  Or why we can't afford a trainer and why there are no good trainers in our area.  We have come as far as we can be for now.  There is still some hope left for Zappa and Chance, but not at this time.  It is probably why we haven't pressed further for integration.  I don't know why or how, but I believe there is a reason for everything and for the dogs that means two packs.  

Something in our future why we are set up with a split house and yard?  Perhaps.  But I do believe it is time to let go of the notion of one pack for these guys.  One pack at a time.


The Daily Pip said...

I am sorry, I know this must be stressful and heartbreaking that the two packs remain separate. But I agree sometimes things are not meant to be and we can't see the reason at the time - but there is a reason.

Thanks for your offer for the hay. I'm wondering if it would be more expensive to mail it? Maybe you have a friend who could use it. That's funny that they sent you hay by accident.

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear this. I can't imagine having to separate my crew. Hugs to you all.