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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, August 7, 2017

Chance's Shopping Adventure

There was no stopping to get a picture.  Video would have been better as Chance and I sprinted through the isles of plywood and 2x4's.  I was still in shock that when the large glass doors parted, he looked up and walked right in.  My shy, nervous, hyper and anxious dog who had never been anywhere else, except the vet, walked into Lowe's Home Improvement store as if on a mission that only he knew.  We met up with Daddy who was looking at bolts and it was if Chance couldn't stand the waiting.  He wanted to stay on the move, so he started wooing with a low howl.  He didn't have time to stop, we were going somewhere and had to get going.  So I waved to hubby as Chance continued his search swiftly up and down the isles, until he reached the large loading dock.  Chance had found it!  Outside!!  His purpose of the mission:  to find the way out.  So much like me. I laughed.  We headed back to the Front Exit doors with Chance's mission accomplished.

You'd think that would be enough for the day, but our adventure didn't end there...

We headed out to buy dog food at our local Tractor Supply Co. and Chance lead the way.  His "find it" game for this store became very clear the moment we entered the store.  Lost nuggets of food on the floor.  He was in heaven.

The cashier came over and gave his scruffy neck a good scratching that came with a treat.  He took it eagerly.  I couldn't believe he didn't cower away when she went to pet him.  It was a high for all of us.  Another treat came as we checked out.  I think Chance was excited and enjoyed his outing with us.

It is so amazing to me how time, the right people and what positive exposure can do for a dog.  I couldn't say for sure if he would've been ready for this excursion, say a year or two before this, but I don't think I would have been.  I keep finding my security is the dogs safety net.  When I'm ready, they become ready.  So awesome isn't it?  One of the many differences of having mature dogs and having a lifetime together.  To be able to be patient with one another while growing and changing at the same time.  Taking challenges with each other and discovering new life every day.  This is the dream I'm living and we wouldn't have it any other way.


Collie222 said...

That's great news! I didn't know Lowe's allowed dogs in the stores!

24 Paws of Love said...

yes and so does Home Depot. You should try it! :)

Pamela said...

Wow, what a big day for all of you! Congratulations!

You're lucky your Lowe's allows dogs. In Ithaca, they had a big sign on the front door stating no dogs were allowed.

TimberLove said...

Thank you for the kind words left on our bloggie:)

NukNuk & Timber