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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Need your ideas for another name for a Heart Dog

It's hard to beat a Heart Dog like Brut.  That kind of intensity can only be match.

I'd been walking Chance and Blaze together most of the time, when I decided we needed some one-on-one time.  That is when I noticed that Chance and I were walking in sync.  We completely had the same rhythm, enthusiasm, and centering in our core.  We seemed to be thinking and feeling as a unit.

Even though I had mention it before on this blog that I thought I had a second heart dog, I kind of forgot about it until these recent walks with Chance.  Not to mention the grieving I've went through these last two years over Brut,  I didn't think I'd have a heart dog again until Chance slowly reminded me, he was it.

Well, Brut will always be my Heart Dog, and I couldn't call Chance that.  I needed another word that would carry a meaning just for Chance.

So I'm asking you readers to give me your suggestions on another name for a Heart Dog.  I've come up with one but I'd like to hear your ideas.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Another Level of Reality

In 6 days it will be Silver's six month anniversary since she passed away.  She had her first bloom on her roses today.  It has brought me much sadness in the beauty.

I miss my girl so much.  By the time of July 13th, her roses will be half in bloom.  They are Old English Roses called Winchester Cathedral.  A name that has special meaning to a Crosby, Stills and Nash song we love.  We planted them a month ago today.  Added rocks around her from our favorite place called Copper Harbor in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a place we took Silver and our first dog Alex several times.    Then put up new fencing and post around Silver and Brut.  Surreal. Somber.  Peaceful and Beautiful.  Our new cycle of life for the Momma and Daddy Dogs of the 24 Paws of Love.

Someday I hope to find the love and joy in Silver's roses  like I have with Brut and the spirit that lives on in her.