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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Where to start?

Where in the world to I start?  :)  With about a month's worth of news to share, I don't know where to begin!

I guess I'll start with our little blogging break...it wasn't planned, but was definitely needed.  I went through a deep grievance of Brut and the grave loss that overtook me.  It tore my soul up, but I came through it.  My sweet Bruter Boy is coming up on his second anniversary.  I don't know how that can be.  Two years gone.  Sometimes I just can't believe it.

Fiona is definitely Brut's child.  She is taking after her father in ways I only saw in small blips throughout the last year.  Now that Zappa and her are the Alpha Dogs of the Back Pack, her true colors and what she learned from Daddy Dog Brut are shining through.  The possessiveness, being territorial, and just wanting things her own way are a just a few things.  She learned from her Daddy quite well how to rule a pack, now she's going to do it her way!  (I'll share more about this issue in a later post.)

We started walking one Front Dog and one Back Dog together.  And it went well.
We took the boys together and the girls together.  Boys first.  We started on opposite sides of the road, but Zappa just couldn't handle it, so we ended up walking behind Chance and hubby, Mark.  And with about a car or two distance between us, it was a smash!  We did the same with the girls, which also went well.

I am hoping that we are able to find a comfort level, to be able to walk side by side, but until then I am very excited about our progress.

Sorry about the lack of photos, I haven't picked up my camera in months.  That is soon to change.  :)

More news to come...


Collie222 said...

Hi there! I'm glad you're back. But I get the need for blogging breaks.

White Dog Blog said...

Welcome back! You and the Pack were missed. What exciting progress on melding the front and back halves...and in your evolution during the time of transition. Cannot wait to hear more.

Pamela said...

Wow! Sounds like a great start with the walk. So glad you're back and can't wait to hear more.

24 Paws of Love said...

Thanks so much for the support and encouragement! The walks are going great. Still feeling it out, but we are finally getting somewhere.