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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Check out Brut's Shirt!

For Christmas I had a sweatshirt printed with a picture of Brut on it for my husband, Mark, the year we lost Brut using the above picture.

The print of Brut was faded when we got it.  I don't know if it was poor quality or if that was the way it came.

In less than a year, you could barely see Brut anymore, it had faded so badly.

So I bit the bullet and painted over it with fabric paint.  And it turned out like this:

It is the closest I've been able to come to painting Brut.  It was a very healing and spiritual experience and I don't know that I ever want to do it again.  LOL!

Mark loves the shirt especially having Brut stand out so bright and strong, just like the dog he was.  Awesome!

And I couldn't do it without my little helper Blaze.  Sticking right by me and guiding my every move!  Thank you sweetheart!


The Daily Pip said...

Awe, love it! I think your version is absolutely beautiful and I can imagine it was very healing.

Pamela said...

The photo was wonderful. But the painted version was even better. And I bet your husband loved it too.

KB said...

That is AWESOME!!!!

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you!!

Jessica Smith said...

Love your husky, I have a husky / Mastiff mix. I love husky's and your pictures are beautiful.