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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Monday, August 8, 2016

What is Boxer using for flea and ticks prevention?

Well, you've heard about our success with Nexguard for flea and tick prevention for the dogs, now we are going to turn it over to the feline of the house, Boxer to see what he is using.

Boxer take it away!

Well, I get a yummy treat every night with my canned food.  It is liver flavored and goes well with my ocean fish and tuna mix.  I don't know what it is but my coat is wonderfully soft and silky smooth and with no bugs.  Mom, tell that what it is...

OK Boxer, as you wish.  The product is called "Flea Away."  It repels mosquitoes, ticks and fleas by masking the Co2 our pets produce that attracts these pest.  "Flea Away" is a vitamin...Yes, a vitamin that mask this Co2 (something humans can't smell) which in turn keeps them from getting on your pet.

I check Boxer every couple of weeks and so far it has been working.  No ticks or fleas.

One of the down sides is that it takes about 30 days to become effective, so it's best to start Flea Away before fleas and ticks are active.  But after that it seems to be working.

On the plus side, Boxer's fur is as he said, silky, shiny, and oh so smooth.

I must tell you that the last two years Boxer has been going outside without any preventive on and has never gotten fleas, but my fear was ticks, and so instead of using a topical (which I've never liked the idea for cats) we decided to test him out with Flea Away.  Like I said, so far so good.

We found Flea Away through Chewy.com.  They have always been great to us.

And as always, nobody is paying us for our thoughts, we are just sharing products we are using and our experience with them.


1 comment:

2 Punk Dogs said...

Flea Away sounds really good glad it's working for Boxer!