© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Brut Thursday-Just Need to Talk

In a couple of weeks it will be 9 months that Brut has been gone.  My heart is still aching and breaking into pieces.  I feel frozen.  My brain doesn't want to work anymore and my body just wants to lay down and curl up with the dogs.  I still feel empty and alone, even though Mark is going through the exact same thing.  It was a year ago this month that we noticed Brut's right eye was full of blood, the first physical sign that something was wrong and the nightmare that followed until his death.  I'm not ready to go through that again, but I probably will anyways.  I'm having a hard time blogging and it's probably going to get worse as Brut's year anniversary closes in.  Please pray for Mark, the dogs, the cats and I.  We are going to need it.  Thank you.

Mark, Patty and the 24 Paws of Love

p.s. if we aren't around for a while, I hope you understand why.


Golden Daily Scoop said...

They say grieving has to timetable. We are so sorry to hear this, keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, boy, my heart breaks for you, with you...and I do understand. It's so different here without Gib as I know it is there without Brut. Their absence is felt so strongly, every moment of every day. It's so strange how time keeps marching on, yet, we feel suspended in time. How can they be gone for one day, one month, three months, nine months? We go through the motions, but our heart is missing a chunk...a big chunk. I wish I had some magical words...I don't. I can't find any for myself either. But what I do have is a huge, huge hug for you all. A big, furry, full of love Husky group hug.

Gail said...

It is never easy.

Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...


Thinking of you all.