© 2025 24 Paws of Love

Protected by Copyscape© 2010-2025 24 Paws of Love.com All content (pictures, videos and text) from this blog and its feeds may not be displayed or reproduced. Please request permission from Mark or Patty before using at 24pawsoflove@gmail.com Thank you.
Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Stretching into the New Year...

From our Paws to Yours
we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Thank you for reading 24 Paws of Love.

See ya on the other side!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Santa came early with the magic of hot dogs!

After two days with new medicines for Silver's bladder infection and lack of appetite, she is finally eating...hot dogs!  She is chowing them down quite eagerly.  We've went through almost two packages in a day's time!

I couldn't be smiling more!!  :)  My baby girl is eating again.

And I think she may be feeling some relief from her UTI.

Christmas wishes that she will continue...

Making a very Merry Christmas for the 24 Paws of Love!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Update on Silver and calling all Cat Lovers

Just back from the vet and we are hoping we found the answers to all our questions.  

We had another confirmation from one of the vet techs who saw Silver when we first took her to have her tumor looked at and she too said it had condensed.


We were there for her bladder infection that hadn't gotten better only worse.  So we are trying another antibiotic and praying for good results.  Silver is so sore from straining to pee and we were given some extra pain pills to help relieve this.
After a urine sample and a blood sample, we were assured that the probability of a bladder tumor was unlikely.  Another concern we had when her infection didn't clear up right away.  Although it is more possible that we may have a resistant strain of bacteria and that is what we will find out trying this new antibiotic out.

She is still barely eating and has lost almost five pounds since the vet last saw her.  The vet thinks that this is due to the pain of her infection and the fact that I gave her two different Nsaids painkillers over the course of a week.  (one for about 5 days and another for two days)  It was the first time our vet got mad at me.  And I got a stern talking to.  Switching back and forth can screw up the lining of the stomach and there is suppose to be a five day waiting period before trying another one.  I didn't know that.  But it explains why Silver was eating even less the last couple of days.  Lesson learned.  So we were also given a stomach protector (like Pepto Bismol) to help heal Silver's tummy so she can eat again.

So hopefully Silver is on the mend.  And even though I may have cause a little more damage than good, it was an honest mistake and something Silver can recover from.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement and prayers.  They mean the world to us!

And for all of you cat owners, we are asking what kind of food you feed your cats.  We have been making some changes with the kitties food and would really like to have your input.  

Just go HERE link to 36 Claws of Attitude to read and share your answers and any thoughts you may have in the comments.  

We would really love to hear from you!

Thank you! 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Power of the Paw!

Silver and Zappa's Paws

Silver is on a different antibiotic for her bladder infection and is steadily getting better day by day.  She is eating at least one meal a day and lots of mini milkbones.  The only other thing she will eat.  We are not out of the woods yet with her appetite.  This weekend will tell us more.

The bigger picture

Please send all good thoughts, best wishes, prayers and POTP this way for Silver.  We could really use it.
Thank  you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good News, Bad News

First the good news, Silver's cancerous tumor in her mammary gland hasn't grown from last month.  In fact, it contracted a bit in width.  So for all of you that are praying for Silver, prayers are being answered.

Now we need some more...

The bad news is that Silver is still hardly eating or drinking, though we did find out that she has a bladder infection and is being treated.  She has been eating about a meal a day, but today she didn't eat anything and vomited two hours after giving her her antibiotic.  So we'll have to go back to the vet to see about a different medication.

So while we have some great news on Silver's tumor, she is not feeling well at all.  We are hoping that when the UTI clears up, she will start eating again.  If we can find a medicine she doesn't throw up.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wordless Wednesday- My Slobbery Perspective

If you wear glasses and have kissy-face doggies, you understand.  :)


Update on Silver:

When I woke up the other morning, hubby Mark, was watching Silver from the sliding glass door with tears threatening to fall.  He said Silver didn't want to eat, (she has been hesitating) and that he fed her by hand.  I too, have done this a few times.  It seems as if nothing smells good to her.  I've tried giving her bites of her favorite foods and she won't eat them.  She does eat her dog food with a little coaxing and love, though I wonder if her tumor might be pushing on her inner organs and causing discomfort.

Our vet measured the tumor when she diagnosed it.  We have an appointment this Thursday, Dec. 8 to find out if it has grown and by how much.  We want to know if there is anything more we can do and ask questions about her eating and such. Like about her hip dysplasia which has gotten worse the last year, but especially the past 3 months and how the weight of the tumor might be affecting it.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

(back) Paws Crossed for Everyone

Love, Zappa

Who is Boxer's new best bud?
Find out HERE.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Touch of the Paw

I was doing some writing about Brut, about how he transformed our world, thinking and behavior about dogs.  He changed and challenge everything I thought I knew and then some.  He was such an extraordinary teacher who taught with grace and vigor.  It is one of the many things I loved about him.

Brut and I made many strides and growth together that were bounding.  Sure, it was hell sometimes and I wanted to give up many times, but it was worth it.  It was real life lessons in real time.  There was no cutting around it or tossing issues to the side or for someone else to take because it was all about our relationship to each other.  For all the good and bad of my relationship with Brut, we each gave as much as we took and our hearts were at the center of everything we did and said.  Passion ruled our world.

The next generation, from Brut's kids, on down will be taught and challenged with that same expression of passion and heart.  The lessons Brut taught me about being a dog and what I learned from him will carry on to every dog we have and meet.  Like carrying the message of Brut, to live on forever. Who is and will be with me every step of the way.  How beautifully awesome.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

(almost) Black/White Sunday-Such Soulful Softness

I remember this day.  Brut was so calm and relaxed.  Just watching the world go by outside his door.  His favorite place to lay.  Now Zappa takes to the spot.

There was a softer side to Brut.  I miss him showing me it.  This picture is very close to sharing his mature, gentle side.  So beautiful.  I miss being with him in every way, but these moments were the most special to us.  

Miss you big boy...

Forever Brut.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Cone Freedom! and the cats are back!

Here is Silver yesterday singing her little heart out...

And here is Silver today after a stressful long wait at the vet to get her stitches out.
Yes, we are cone free and doing well.
Thank you so much for all your well wishes and prayers.
I think they are working and we are going to need them in the coming months.


We also have a special treat for all you cat lovers...

the cat blog is back in business!

Find out how Boxer and Leia keep clawing their way into this girl's dog-filled  mind with the...

36 Claws of Attitude.

Stop over for a visit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bruter Boy Gotcha Day

What a little fluff ball of terror you were.  I didn't know how I was going to make it through those first few days, let alone the rest of your life.  Six weeks old and you were so tough, a little bully if you will.  And as hard as it was, I loved you more every day. Although it was pretty rocky that day I brought you home, there was something so special between us that will live forever.

Happy Gotcha Day Bruter.

Always missing you.

(mug created at Shutterfly.com for hubby)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Biopsy Results for Silver

Silver has cancer.  An aggressive form that attacks the ducts of the mammary glands.

We are opting not to operate to remove tumor as there are too many risks, the cancer is in a tough spot to get, and more than likely would come back even more aggressive.

For now Silver is doing well.  You wouldn't know she is sick at all.

She is still wearing a cone because of her stitches from the biopsy and will have to wear it until she has them out a week from now.

Please pray for us.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Silver's doing better today.

Silver is doing better today.  Her mood has picked up and is a little more perky.  She was so miserable yesterday.  I think she is starting to get used to the cone and her frustration level is coming down.  Silver is so much like me, she doesn't want anybodies help, she has to figure it out for herself.  And she is doing just that.

She was excited at dinner time, jumping around and barking with the rest of the 24 Paws and even though she hesitated for a minute whether to eat or not, she did eat all her food.

That girl has such a strong will, stronger than Brut ever had.  If she doesn't want to do something she's not going to do it.  I forgot how bull headed she can be, now I remember where her kids got their stubbornness from.

Just witnessing the after effects of Silver's recovery from the biopsy, has made both Mark and I think twice about having the tumor removed, regardless if it is cancerous or not.  Since the tumor is so large, almost running half the length of her body, we are talking about a serious incision and a extensive surgery to remove it.  Our vet already told us that they can not get a 'clean' scrape because the tumor runs down to her pelvic bone.   Which means if it is cancerous and they can't get it all, it will probably come back more aggressively. Her recovery if she survives the surgery at 13 years old, will be lengthy and slow and miserable.  That's when I have to think about quality of life.  I don't know that I could do that to her just for a little extra time and my selfish needs of not wanting to lose her.  I don't think I can do that to her...

Silver is the dog that we've had the longest out of all the dogs Mark and I have had together.  We got her at 7 weeks old and she just turned 13 this past summer.
I wish dogs could live forever!
Thanks for listening.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Helluva Day So Far!

It all started Sunday night.

First there was no evening snack.

Then there were no bedtime treats

Then no breakfast...

Then next thing I know...

A trip to the V-E-T!

Where I was drugged, poked and prodded.

Finally they came to get me,


That is until the cone, the shirt and the leash came out.

All at once.

13 years old and a cone virgin.

Will this ever end?

Silver had her biopsy for her mammary gland tumor.

We should know the results by the end of this week.

Power of the Paw!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A little POTP for Silver

What was originally thought to be a cyst in Silver's mammary gland has turned out to be a tumor. In two months time it double or almost tripled in size.  It goes from her rib cage down to her pelvis region.

We will be scheduling her for a biopsy soon then weighing our options.

We will keep you up to date.

Please send some Power of the Paw for Silver.

Thank you!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


We interrupt this nap for an important news break,

we will be taking a little blogging break...

Now back to your regular nap schedule.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday-Thank goodness for blogging

I am so grateful that my husband talked me into blogging about the dogs.  I can't believe it has been over six years since we entered the dog blogging world and I'm so glad I did.  

I've gotten to know so many wonderful dogs and people over those six years.  I have laughed and cried as well as loved and lost so many precious dogs.  Rejoicing in new life, sending crossed paws for illnesses and just enjoying every day life together.  

I am ever so grateful for having a place to share about being dog crazy.  I never had so many friends that were just as dog crazy as me.  It is wonderful. 

And I'm so truly grateful for what blogging has given me, a record of my dog's life, especially now after losing Brut.  I wrote about happenings that I would have never had down before blogging.  Every post is priceless.  

I'll never be able to thank all of our readers who have stuck by us.  It is support and encouragement that has carried us through and post are few and far between now you are still there and we want to let you know how much we appreciate you from the bottom of our paws!

I can't believe how blogging and all of you have helped change my life. 

Thank you so much! 

God bless.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Warm fall and Zappa bonding

It's been so warm the trees are barely turning color.

We have been having fabulous fall weather as of lately, especially for living in Northern Lower Michigan.  Sunny skies, 60ish degrees, walking around in a sweatshirt and jeans.  Love it!!  It has been great weather to finish getting ready for winter.  A chore that never seems to end.  Hubby, Mark and I started quite early this year and yet here we still are trying to tie up all the loose ends.  It takes a lot of prep work living in a northern climate with lots of snow and cold for the winters.

Because of the wonderful temperatures and being so busy, I haven't spent as much time on the computer as usual, other than to stay up on your blogs.  I feel like I've got stories popping out my head with no time to write them down.  :)

I took Zappa to the park the other day.  I haven't been to the park with a dog in a couple of years, so we were due.  I wanted to take Zappa because we are really beginning to bond and I thought it would be special to take him first.

It was a fantastic experience!  With such beautiful weather and having the whole park to ourselves, it was the serenity I'd been searching to find.  I love everything about this park and walking its trails, it was so calming.  It is actually a sports park, with soccer and baseball diamonds, with trails that lead to state land.  I don't know what it is about this place but I would love to relocate it to my backyard.  :)

Maybe it was just the peace of walking through the trees with Zappa and Brut's spirit.  I felt Brut's presence all around us.  In the air, the trees and the sky.  I have so many good memories connected with Brut at this park, from the time he was a wee little thing.  Zappa and I walk like two little kids when we are together as we are on a strange and wonderful relationship after the loss of his dad.  Both of us living in the shadow of Brut, now we are taking on our center stage and we are doing it together.  Sometimes he gives me this look that says, "I can't believe this is happening!"  Honestly neither can I.  Zappa has always been Daddy's dog and Brut was mine.  Zappa and my love was kind of under the table.  And I'll be the first to admit that I've been more than upset with Zappa pushing Brut to the limit, egging him on to fight.  Not that Brut needed a reason to fight...and Zappa isn't no dummy.  I haven't always liked Zappa because of his behavior with Brut and his big mouth, barking about everything, but I've come to great peace about all of these things and each day we get a step closer to each other with the wonderment of a child's heart.  We are on a whole new journey of discovery and that is just awesome!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Brut Thursday- Spiritual Headbutts

I was upset and my heart hurt. Hubby and I had a bit of a tiff.  I went to Brut's grave and sat down outside the fence that protects the dogs from the rose thorns.  Never one to talk to Brut at his grave, I mean, what do you say to a rose bush that is suppose to represent the greatest dog of your life?  It just doesn't compute for me.  So I just sat there and tried to think of words.

And I tried.

Brut and I hardly ever communicated with words.  We always knew what the other was thinking, for the most part.

I leaned my head on the fence.  Then I slowly started to rub my forehead on the fence and that's when I made the connection with Brut.  I could "feel" his forehead against mine and he comforted me from beyond the roses.

He was right there.

Like two large cats nuzzling each other, we stayed that way for some time.

It was the best feeling in the world, to be together and having a physical connection.  I'm still in awe over it.  Because that's what I miss most about Brut, is being able to feel with him and I had that again, in just the right manner, at just the right time.

I don't know where this adventure is taking me with Brut, but it is as interesting and as fascinating as he is.  I do believe Brut is trying to teach me and reach out to me in a way only he can.

Have you ever touch the other side?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Thankful Tuesday

I couldn't wait for "Thankful Thursday" to write this as I am so full of gratitude for my life and the many loves in it.  I am so very blessed after my awful start in life.

I have love coming from every direction and any part of the house.  It is just completely awesome.

Mark with V-girl.  One of the pups from our litter.

My husband, Mark, bless his soul.  He has put with so many of my demons and held my hand and heart the whole way through. Mark is so understanding, caring and my best friend.  He loves like a dog, unconditionally.  He has changed my life and the dogs love his kid-filled soul.  Nothing is ever really right unless Daddy is home.  :)

The blessed Dynamic Duo

I am still after almost 9 years shocked and amazed that Chance and Blaze came back home. (Two puppies from our litter that were returned to us) I am utterly so grateful that they are a part of life and literally thank them every night for being returned to us.  They too are still so grateful after all these years to be home as well.  They are worth having 2 packs of dogs.  I don't care how crazy or wrong someone might think it is, I would do it again if it was the only way to keep them.

Zappa, Silver and Fiona resting by Brut's spot.  (circle)

And the Back Dog Trio, Silver, Fiona and Zappa...bless their giant hearts.  We have been through so many things with Brut when he was alive and then gone that there are many ways we missed out on so much bonding time and now we have all the time in the world.  They are seeking me out and coming to me just to be touched and loved.  It is so awesome.  We are bonding in ways that we couldn't before and it is so wonderful.

Memorial stone at our vets office on outside wall.

And Brut...the dog of my life.  Never will there ever be another and I am so grateful to have been part of his short but full life.  There was one thing I knew when he died, I had no regrets.  None.  Brut lived a very full life and taught me so many valuable lessons and this is one of them...being grateful.

I can't believe the way my life is changing and growing when for so many years I didn't want to live.  Life is truly a blessing with so much love to share it with.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

2016 Summer Wrap Up...Fall Begins

These thoughts have been rolling around in my head for little while.  I have found them hard to sit down and put "on paper."  Let me see if I can muddle through them.

Starting the second year without Brut has been a little difficult at times.  The first year was all about the loss and grieving.  The second has been accepting and living without him.  I think I will always be sensitive to the summer months because that is when we loss Brut.

Brut died on the 18th of June, so close to the changing of the seasons.  Now we are starting fall.

The gap is closing where Brut once was.  We are becoming a family of five dogs.  The dogs have found their places in their packs and life is moving forward.

For the most part I am at peace, but there are many days when my heart is very still. Even though Brut's spirit is strong around here, I still get a flutter in my stomach when I realize Brut is really, really gone.  The gap is closing slower for hubby, Mark and I.  Sometimes it sucks to be human.

Every post I write without Brut here, is like a tiny stab to the heart.

Some days Brut and I are far apart and other days he is right next to me and then sometimes it is like there is a barrier like heavy glass between us.

I started writing this post on September 1 of this year.  All I could write was a
sentence or two at a time and I'd have to put it away.  It was that difficult.

I have discovered how bittersweet life without Brut can be because it is easier without him physically here.  So much of my mind and time was spent taking care of him and managing his aggression.  It has been trying filling all this empty space in my mind and with my time.  There have been many days that I have been quite lost and depressed.  I miss Brut, but I don't miss his nasty behavior.  And that is really hard for me to say.
It isn't all as bad as it sounds, Silver and the kids have been filling in the spaces and holes.  Dogs are so amazing that they can do that.  They just have that much unconditional love to make the world go round and the universe sparkle.  I've never been more grateful for all of our pets and what they give and share so openly and beautifully.  They are constantly teaching me more about themselves and their understanding.  The love is just unstoppable!  And I couldn't have it any other way.

Are you ready for the season change?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blaze Contemplation

do you think...
mommy will..

forgive me...

for chasing a chipmunk...

under the fence...

of her flower bed...

i think she will understand...

even though she had to pull me out to stop me...

what do you think?

what mommy?
