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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

As We Near the Holiday...

Dear FB and Pet Blogging Friends,

We have just past the 6 month mark of Brut's anniversary and it was tough.  I dove down into a deeply severe grieving period while making the Christmas card that is the header.  Three weeks of tears, sleepless nights, early mornings and vast sadness.

I don't know that it will get easier as we hit more 'first' without Brut physically here, but I know I still have Silver and all his kids that are here and out there in the world that are carrying on his legacy.   Slowly the pain ended and there was balance in my world again.  That boy always did carry me to the moon and back...

And it just wouldn't be Christmas without the infamous Brut snarl!

And while that's hard to top, I mean we are talking about Brut here, right?  You my faithful readers are right on his paws.  24 Paws of Love readers are the most  supportive, loving and understanding bloggers on this planet.  We can not begin to thank you enough for your care and compassion as we wind down this river, jutting a new course in life and having you there with us.

You have helped to brighten our sorrows when we felt alone and misunderstood by the outside world.  We have laughed at funny post and silly sayings when we thought we could never feel love again.  And you have cried with us, holding our pain in your hearts... 'thank you' just isn't enough, but please know it comes from the bottom of our hearts...

Thank you Friends, Thank you.

I'd like to take a special moment for those whom have lost loved ones this past year.  Forgive me, I know there are more, these are the ones I know.

White Dog Diaries

Please wish these friends a Merry Christmas and a soft woo for their pain this holiday season.


How Sam Sees It said...

Think of all the happy times with Brut during past Christmas times. Maybe a special ornament of him on the tree will help?

Monty and Harlow

Unknown said...

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. I hope things get easier for you.

FiveSibesMom said...

Thank you so much for including us in your remembrance list. Daddy Brut will always be part of everything you do...as Gibson will be with me. Post photos, share memories, for his spirit is all around you. Such beautiful photos of Brut...memories to cling to. The first are the worst, we just did our first Christmas, first New Year, and what would have been Gibson's 10th birthday is coming up on January 6...but then again, I can't imagine any events without our boys. One paw at a time, one day at a time...and extra hugs to the rest of the 24 Paws of Love. Hugs to you all... xo