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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dear Brut,

I'll never forget that day that we brought you home so long ago, November 22, 2006.

You were a little fluff of terror at 6 weeks old.  Two days later on Thanksgiving, I didn't know what to do or how to go on keeping you.

You scared the begeezes out of me and I couldn't explain the terror I felt anymore than I could explain why you acted so wild and untamed.

And then I see this picture of innocence and sweetness and I remember the day I took it.  We had finally made a connection and had an understanding.  It was so precious how you would peek at me over the board then run back to the couch and wait for me to give you a treat.  It was the beginning of many connections between us that we built on for any obstacle we encounter and when we couldn't overcome, we still connected.  I'll always remember that day.

And while I can't physically remember every day of your life with me, the memories are stored in my heart and channeled to my soul so that you are always with me.  You transformed my life, how does one repay that.

Today would have been your 9th Gotcha Day.
I love you more than life itself, Bruter boy,
Thank you for taking the journey with me,

Love and miss you forever,



Unknown said...


It's amazing how they impact us. He was an adorable babydog.

Northern Girl said...

I feel your heartache. Having had to say goodbye to my canine soulmate, Callie, three months ago, I still have tearful moments. As Rebekah said, it is amazing how they impact our lives, and leave their paw prints on our hearts forever. May he rest in peace; and may you find comfort in all your wonderful memories. Hugs to you.