© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, September 17, 2015

90 Day Anniversary by Mark

It seems like it was only Yesterday
You were sitting here next to me
Having my morning coffee
Getting my Brut Charging
Helping me get through another day
In this life that has so much Inhumanity
90 Days since away have you gone
Everything just feels so awful wrong
You were the one that I would go to
You were the one that I would talk to
You were the one that I would walk with
You were the one who believed in me
As I always believed in you
Oh Brut how I miss you so
I don't think I will ever let you go
So with each and every night
With my Memories of you clear in sight
I go to the place that I laid your body to rest
I sing my Twrinkle Twrinkle Little Star
And My Rock a Bye Baby to you
Like I have done from the very first day(you came my way)
I want you to know that I love You
I will never forget the Times
That we both did share together
Brut You were my Hero
You are forever my best Friend
Thank You My Bruter Boy
For Always Being You
Goodnight My Friend Forever


How Sam Sees It said...

The video is lovely. I found doing one for Sam helped me. I still miss him as much as I did the first day he was gone, but it helped me remember all the good times and those made me smile again.

Hugs to you all.

Monty and Harlow

Unknown said...


Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

So beautiful. I am so sorry he's gone but he had so much joy and love in this life! Some dogs are not replaceable in corporeal form but his spirit still flows through the universe and he is still a part of you.