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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, August 28, 2015

Just Popping In...

Hello blogger friends!

Just popping in for a few minutes to say hi and let you know how we are.  Hubby, Mark and I are doing OK considering it has been 10 long weeks since we buried Brut.  The weeks are flying by as the permanent loss of him gets deeper and deeper into my soul.  I haven't felt Brut's presence in weeks.  I am just so empty and lost without him, yet I still have good memories.

One thing I lost was that fear in my heart of Brut being an aggressive dogs with other dogs.  I still had a twinge of it whenever he got close to one of the dogs and then I would remember to breathe, quietly and normally as he passed by or interacted with them.  It is amazing how much fear I carried about Brut from the time he was a puppy until his release.  It was a blessing that came with his death and I have chosen to embrace it.

The rest of the 24 Paws have also been released of thier fears as well.  They continue to greive along with us.  The girls (Fiona, Silver and Blaze) seem to be having the hardest time losing Brut.  While Chance and Zappa seemed to be greiving our loss and being our comforters.

The roses on Brut's grave are just starting to end their cycle for the summer.  I did see maybe one more bud that may come to bloom, but it is really too early to tell, as we are starting to have signs of the fall season upon us.  And soon the colors will change and it will be our first autumn without Brut...

And so the cycle of grief and life continue like a never ending wheel.

That's all for today.

Take care,
Patty and the 24 Paws of Love


Collie222 said...

I'm so sorry, only time will heal your pain.

Pamela said...

Brut's passing will continue to bring changes to your life. Many are unwelcome. But perhaps as your family continues to heal, his presence in your life will give you new gifts you could never imagine.

How Sam Sees It said...

Still thinking of all of you.

Hugs and love,

Monty and Harlow