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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, June 1, 2015


This is where Brut hangs out most of  the Time.

UPDATE ON DADDY DOG BRUT.It has been a long 2 days for Brut and us.It has been 4 weeks since we brung Brut back from the specialist from downstate.and we did not know how long he had left.Well since that time,he has had his ups and downs.The last down time was last week.and he seemed to be coming out of it.Last monday we gave him some meds from our Vet for his leaking Bladder he had the last two weeks.it helped but after that he seemed to get weaker.and on weds we stopped giving it to him when one of the side effects was higher blood pressure,his one eye was starting to get worst,his blood pressure was going up again.He also stopped eating for a couple days.Now he is eating slowly but surely.

Well today We talk to the specialist on the phone and the next thing we have to do this week is X-rays.He has been moving around alot more than he has the last few days.But I know that if we do not speed up the process of getting him more help it is not going to be good.I know that I am going to be able to borrow a van to take him for X-rays.But,and I hate to say this,I hope that we can get more Donations before the fundrasier is over in a few days.I just want toThank everyone again for all your thoughts and Prayers.That is what I am doing most of the time.We have checked out a couple of Org, and Founditins about taking care of the surgery and I am real sure that if brut does not get to bad we will get funded.I wish it was that easy.We have to find out first.Thank You all again my Friends.P.S Thank you to the ones who have all ready Donated.I hope to update Everyday from this point on.God Bless you all.Mark and Daddy Dog Brut.

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