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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, June 12, 2015

One Day At A Time

Don't know how else to say it.My Bruter Boy is still alive.He is eating,drinking water and eating his nightly treats each night.As you can tell,I am having a hard time,writing this Update.A big part of me inside,just can not believe this past 3 months,has been happening.A nightmare that goes on,24 hours a day.
OK I will get to the point.X-rays show Brut has alot of his blood in his abdomen,some spots on his liver and they can not see the spleen because of all the blood.His one eye is getting worst.Putting drops in the bad eye 3 times a day,and once a day putting one drop in the good eye so it will not get bad.Specialist says because of the blood,eye and the up and down with the blood pressure,an operation would be a bad Idea.
So,sorry I did not update a couple days ago,We are just trying to make Bruter,as comfortable as we can.And even I have not giving up hope,it seems that it is only a matter of time,before Daddy Dog Brut will be with us.So far he doesn't seem to be in any pain,but I do not know what I will do,when I see he IS in pain.
I can not write no more,sorry,I just want to Thank You all for all your Prayers and Thoughts that you have giving us.This is getting really hard,my Friends.I still have not Given Up,All I can do,is put it in Gods hands and Pray that we do the right think.I am praying that Brut makes it another day.Thank You again for all the love that everyone has shown.


rottrover said...

We continue to send handsome Brut POTP...

-Otto and Ruby

Ra Husquiberian said...

Woo all have our prayers and warmest wishes. Enjoy every minute you have mates, leaving you wishes for peace and strength in this hardest of times,

KB - RompRollRockies said...

One day at a time. You are in our thoughts...