© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Brut Thank You

Hello to all our friends out there.  It has been a really long, long week for us since we laid Daddy Dog Brut to rest last Thursday evening.  We want to really thank you for all the comments that everyone has shared with us.  We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart and soul.  You will never ever know what your thoughts and prayers of love have meant to us.  Each and everyone has helped us make it through another day without our  Bruter Boy by my side.  It still feels so unreal that he is really gone.  I really can not say much at this time.  It just seems our whole world has been turned upside down.  It is not just us that it has effected, it has really effected Brut's kids.  Most of the time they just seem lost and without their leader around anyomore.  We have walked them almost every day when I get home from work, but I can really tell it is not just the same thing.  Hopefully in time.  Well my eyes are starting to rain again.  Before I stop I have to let you all know that I found a video of Daddy Dog and his kids playing when the puppies were only weeks old.  I wanted to post it on Father's Day but it was too early.  But I will post it for this Sunday on FB.  I have this idea that all dogs that are fathers should have their own Father's Day.  It is a really good video of why I called him Daddy Dog Brut.

God bless you  all and thank you again for being our friends.

Love, Mark, Patty and the Paws

P.S.  Please say a special pryer for our puppies, Zappa, Fiona, Chance and Blaze and Momma Dog Silver.

1 comment:

Pup Fan said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Brut. Sending giant hugs to your family. <3