The Paws
© 2025 24 Paws of Love
Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.
Brut Quote
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
Brut had three good days in a row, yet none of them were back to his "old" self. He barked and howled at the neighbor's dog and that was a good thing. He was up and around more and took a short walk the other day. He seems stable, which means he's clotting. And that's a good thing.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
What's a "rough day" for Brut?
I just wanted to let everyone know that Brut isn't in any pain. I know his pain signs and he isn't showing any of them. He may uncomfortable or not feeling well, but he not in pain.
A rough day for Brut consist of bleeding into his abdomen from the mass on his spleen and because of the internal blood loss, his blood pressure drops. The more or heavier he bleeds internally, the lower his blood pressure drops.
When his blood pressure drops, he has a difficult time moving, like getting and up down and he has a wobbly walk. He is very sleepy and will only get up food, water, and using the facilities. I usually keep a water bowl right next to him so he doesn't have to move, when he isn't feeling well.
Brut was feeling a little better today than the last few days. He laid outside for most of the day, but was alert with his head up most of the time. The last few days of not feeling good he could barely lift his head or stay awake for any length of time. Brut got up and down more often and walked to further corners of the yard and although his walk was still wobbly he was making the distance. As oppose to yesterday when he did get up he stayed close to his hole that he lays and only for the basic necessities.
Being outdoors must make Brut feel better, because every nice day we have had he has been out well after dark.
Brut growled at Zappa and Fiona when he became possessive of me and his territory. So believe me he's still has a lot of fight and life left in him. He ain't going down easy. :) And we respect his right to life by making him feel like the king that he is.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Rough days for Brut
Friday, May 15, 2015
Giving Brut a Chance
I've never felt so lost and relieved at the same time. It is an odd combination.
I have not had the words to write much and that too is strange for me.
If you've noticed, hubby, Mark has been doing all the updates on Brut.
It is definetly like being caught between a rock and a hard spot.
Brut was down this past Tuesday (5-12-15) with low blood pressure and probably bleeding internally. For the first time since all this started with his eye, he looked to be in some pain. It was a scary night as I cried and told him everything he means to me and how much I love him. Not knowing if this was the time he was going to bleed out for good. I did everything to make him comfortable. He was still eating and drinking, which was a good sign. I stayed up all night with him. (I couldn't sleep anyways) And I prayed this couldn't be it. Not yet. He still has so much life in him God. Please not today.
And Wednesday morning, he bounced back like nothing had happened. Just like that. He was my Brut again. Maybe not 100%, but very close. He been great Thursday and Friday as well. Maybe a little slower at times, but still looking good.
And I'm so relieved. And I've cried tears of joy that he's still with us and I've cried tears of sadness that this is going to happen again and again. This roller coaster ride.
We don't know if he's a canidate for surgery. It looks to be a good size risk. We still have to make
more inquiries and ask more questions. Like there would probably have to be a blood transfusion (because of internal bleeding) and not all vet clinics are equipped to do that. And we still have to deal with his high blood pressure issues.
And every movement Brut makes is critical not to start bleeding internally again. Plus counter acting his excitement level and hypertension. His aggression has popped back up slightly and we have to keep that at bay.
And with our van being totalled, it makes it hard to transport him in our single cab beat up truck, except maybe to our local vet whose a couple blocks away.
And when you start adding up the odds agaisnt us, it seems hopeless. So utterly hopeless.
That is until I saw the comments left by readers and strangers wishing us well and Brut healing.
Prayers, good thoughts, POTP, and hugs. So many hugs. It brought my spirit back up. And gave me hope.
I didn't know if I had any left. Until I saw your comments and donations.
Maybe just maybe the surgery could be done and we'd have our Brut back.
Mr. Orinery himself.
Maybe there is a chance.
Thank you for giving me that chance again.
I can't thank everyone enough.
God bless you.
To learn more about Brut's diagnosis, you can read the ER trip to explain.
I have not had the words to write much and that too is strange for me.
If you've noticed, hubby, Mark has been doing all the updates on Brut.
It is definetly like being caught between a rock and a hard spot.
Brut was down this past Tuesday (5-12-15) with low blood pressure and probably bleeding internally. For the first time since all this started with his eye, he looked to be in some pain. It was a scary night as I cried and told him everything he means to me and how much I love him. Not knowing if this was the time he was going to bleed out for good. I did everything to make him comfortable. He was still eating and drinking, which was a good sign. I stayed up all night with him. (I couldn't sleep anyways) And I prayed this couldn't be it. Not yet. He still has so much life in him God. Please not today.
And Wednesday morning, he bounced back like nothing had happened. Just like that. He was my Brut again. Maybe not 100%, but very close. He been great Thursday and Friday as well. Maybe a little slower at times, but still looking good.
And I'm so relieved. And I've cried tears of joy that he's still with us and I've cried tears of sadness that this is going to happen again and again. This roller coaster ride.
We don't know if he's a canidate for surgery. It looks to be a good size risk. We still have to make
more inquiries and ask more questions. Like there would probably have to be a blood transfusion (because of internal bleeding) and not all vet clinics are equipped to do that. And we still have to deal with his high blood pressure issues.
And every movement Brut makes is critical not to start bleeding internally again. Plus counter acting his excitement level and hypertension. His aggression has popped back up slightly and we have to keep that at bay.
And with our van being totalled, it makes it hard to transport him in our single cab beat up truck, except maybe to our local vet whose a couple blocks away.
And when you start adding up the odds agaisnt us, it seems hopeless. So utterly hopeless.
That is until I saw the comments left by readers and strangers wishing us well and Brut healing.
Prayers, good thoughts, POTP, and hugs. So many hugs. It brought my spirit back up. And gave me hope.

Maybe just maybe the surgery could be done and we'd have our Brut back.
Mr. Orinery himself.
Maybe there is a chance.
Thank you for giving me that chance again.
I can't thank everyone enough.
God bless you.
To learn more about Brut's diagnosis, you can read the ER trip to explain.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Back When Daddy Dog Was Younger
Such a pretty Boy
(Brut At 3 Months)
Just a little Update on my DADDYDOG BRUT.Yesterday was a down day for my boy.You can tell that he wasn't feeling to well.He was just laying around for most of the day and moving slow.Just like he did a about 13 days ago.He is still eating and drinking water,but you can tell that,whatever is going on inside of him,is making him weak.All we can do is talk to the speicalist on the phone who is so far away.And we have been looking everywhere for info about his Diagnosis HEMOABDOMEN.We did fing the Vit K is good for Blood Clotting.
Please keep DADDY DOG BRUT in uyour Prayers.
Thank You all for all the Prayes and your comments.
From our Paws to Yours
24 Paws of Love's photo.
Monday, May 11, 2015
The ER visit
It was a week ago Sunday we were taking Brut on a 3.5 hour drive to an Animal ER clinic and not knowing if we were coming back with him. It was a horrifying day. His blood pressure had dropped significanlly and that was all we could figure out at the time. When we finally arrived at the clinic, they took Brut inside to stablize him and that's when we discovered he was bleeding in his abdomen and more than likely had a large mass on his spleen.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
You can help Daddy Dog Brut
by: Mark
Just a little update on our Daddy Dog Brut.He seems to be doing Ok,or he hast not gotten any worst,Except his one Eye.So we do not know what is going on in the inside.We put him back on his Blood Pressure Meds,the Vet said to put him back on,half the dose.A couple days ago,his one eye was starting to get worst.It was ok in the morning but by the evening it looked worst.We are going to talk to the specalist again and see what eles we can do.I know he is going to want to see him again.
Sorry for the not so good Update.I have been a emotion Wreck,all this week.Thank You for all the Prayers and the Donations that we have gotten.Anything that we get is going to help us help Daddy Dog Brut.I will try a better Update This weekend.
We have set up a fund raiser for medical expenses. if you are interested you can go HERE to donate.
Thank you.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Daddy's words on Brut
To all my Friends on Facebook, I am very sorry,I have not posted and reposted,as much in the last 4 weeks.I was in a car accident on March 26.The van was totalled out,but I was not hurt.Thank God I did not have one of my Dogs in the car,at the time.
We have been having health problems with Daddy Dog Brut.The Father of the 24Pawsoflove.First with one Eye,which was due to high Blood pressure.The Vet gave us some drops for him.Then we went to a Specialists,Which found out he had High Blood Pressure.The Specialist,Had our Vet at home do range of Bloodwork,etc.The bloodwork came back neg,last thursday,and the Vet wanted us to get a stool sample to check some other things out.Which we gave her Friday.Suddenly After Brut ate,late afternoon He threw out all his food.He became weak and had a hard time walking.The only thing Different than the other days was,we gave him,his Blood Pressure pill,something for the pain in his legs and his Heart worm preventive.It seem like by sat that his Blood Pressure was to low.
We took him to a Specialist over 200 miles away.We had to borrow a suv,from a friend,because he could not lay down in the Truck.I am trying to make this short.
When we took him in to the Specialist,They said he had a growth on his spleen they thought,that had to be removed or he was going to not live long.My heart stopped for a moment,I just stated breaking down crying.I told them we would do the operation.Any thing for a Family Member.When they told me the cost,I really started feeling helpless and hopeless.We filled out a Credit Appication,and was denied.My Heart and my Mind just went numb.
We barely had the money,for this trip to the Specialist,so I told the people I would just take Brut Home.He was feeling beter after they did the few things they did on this Visted.And he was walking alot better.He even eat when he got home.We still have to talk to our Vet of the last few hours,he is alot better.
But in my mind,it is just so unfair,that if you do not have the income and good credit.The ones you love,have to suffer for it.Well that is all I can write now.Here comes Daddydog Brut coming to sit next to me.I just wish someone could tell me,How to Explain to him,That I can't help him,with whats wrong with Him.
Please Pray for Brut and say a Prayer for me.I love all my Friends on Facebook and I will keep you Update on my best Friend DaddyDog Brut.
P.S.I am sorry for Rambling to you all.I will still keep up on my Happy Birthday to you,and I will do better with all my Poking Friends in the world.
Mark and DaddyDog Brut
Friday, May 1, 2015
Good News and Questions
Taking Brut to the vet in an experience in itself. Taking Brut to the vet several times in a month is exhausting! After the visit to the eye specialist and then back to our regualar vet for blood work and blood pressure monitoring, I think we have all had it with going to the vet. I love my vet, but not that much. lol In fact I took a nap after our last appointment and went to bed early that night. Hubby, Mark and I were whipped.

The good news is that Brut's blood pressure is back to normal AND his blood test showed everything is normal. We are still trying to find the cause of the high blood pressure and that means the last test, a stool sample to try and determine what is the cause.
So a lot of good news and still some questions.
I think Brut has had enough of vets as well. And who could blame him? He was a bit growly having his blood pressure taken and couldn't wait to get out of his muzzle that he had to wear for almost an hour because vet was running behind.
Say it with me..."Poor baby!"
So Brut had a rough day too, but did really well under the circumstances. Poor guy.
Well that's about all I got for today. All of the rest of the dogs are doing well. Can't complain.
Thanks for sticking with us through this. 24 Paws Crossed.
The good news is that Brut's blood pressure is back to normal AND his blood test showed everything is normal. We are still trying to find the cause of the high blood pressure and that means the last test, a stool sample to try and determine what is the cause.
So a lot of good news and still some questions.
I think Brut has had enough of vets as well. And who could blame him? He was a bit growly having his blood pressure taken and couldn't wait to get out of his muzzle that he had to wear for almost an hour because vet was running behind.
Say it with me..."Poor baby!"
So Brut had a rough day too, but did really well under the circumstances. Poor guy.
Well that's about all I got for today. All of the rest of the dogs are doing well. Can't complain.
Thanks for sticking with us through this. 24 Paws Crossed.
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