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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Zappa and Blaze Walking Together-Video

When we started this journey of having two packs, we weren't sure what to expect.  There are many reasons we have taken our time with merging them and mostly it had to do with Brut.  There was also time that was hard to come by with the hours my hubby, Mark worked and I sure couldn't do it alone.  With limited resources and so-called trainers and behaviorist that were worthless, we've been left with ourselves to unite the two packs.  Walking one dog from the Back dogs and one from the Front Dogs. is our major first step towards that goal.

I edited most of the walk to this one clip of an interaction between Zappa and Blaze.  You'll see that things between them have changed and Zappa is now dealing with a spayed Blaze as opposed when they were together before.  Zappa has also changed over the years by gaining some ground on our alpha dog Brut, like controlling the living room and tends to be rather dominant with other dogs.   

(watch on YouTube HERE)

And while Blaze is more willing to reunite, she too won't back down from a stand off.  She too is dominant around other dogs and it looks like this is going to take more than one walk to bring them together again.

We probably let them hang together too long, but it's a learning process.  Besides it was nothing more than warning barks.  Believe me, Zappa is all mouth most of the time trying to play Big Shot.

We also walked Chance and Fiona together afterwards and other than Chance throwing his weight and mouth around in the beginning, nothing happened.  Fiona is not affected by any dogs as long as they don't touch her, so she becomes the non-reactive dog to Chance's reactions.

We would appreciate any comment, feedback or suggestions as we muddle through this merging and start to break new ground with the 24 Paws of Love.  Any thoughts you have, please share.  You guys have been great in helping us before, we would love your expertise.  ☺


And on a sad note two of our furry friends past away in the last couple of days that we would like to pass our woo-woos to:


Our hearts go out to both families.


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