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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Persistence as taught by dogs.

I am reading a book called, "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, that talks about how to pursue your dreams and being successful at it.  It is a philosophical book that very black and white and difficult to read.  I am much more of visual person and the book paints very few pictures.

I just read the chapter on, "Persistence," and again I was struggling with reading this philosopher's writing.  I was having a hard time putting his words into context.  I eventually had to put the book down and let my mind just absorb what the author was trying to convey. After a few minutes of quiet, it hit me, the dogs are an excellent example of being persistent.  Once they have an idea in their head they are constantly working on a way of getting what they want and being that they are so strong headed, they only give up after what may be hours, if I don't give in before.

Some examples:  They are persistent about walks, treats, mealtime, going out and coming in and getting attention.

I had a visual for this book that made sense to me.

I took it one step further and asked myself, what am I persistent about? 

The answer came easy after my first discovery, the dogs!  Especially dealing with Brut and his aggression around the other dogs.  Even after two failed trainers, one who kicked Brut and another who said it was a hopeless mess and I would have to get rid of a dog or two, I was persistent in my plan to make this work.

I had found my own context that I was able to relate to and it as if the black and white was suddenly vibrant and colorful!  Most of all the book started to make sense.

Have you ever had a better understanding of something  when put into the context of your dog?  Give us an example in the comments!

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Molly The Wally said...

Yes many times as instead of looking inward we look at our pets and are looking outward for the answer. Persistence for you no, but dog eared determination not to give up and good on you for that. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

siku marie said...

So many things are clearer when viewed in the context of dog life. For one example, at nearly 17 Puff has had more than her share of health issues and just keeps moving forward embracing life without pity or pampering herself. Her attitude is "take each day as it comes...some days I feel great and run with the wolves; others I am an old woman who enjoys lying in the sunpuddle's warmth. Both are OK"

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