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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, February 28, 2015

How does your dog show his/her persistence?

Persistance: keeping my toys to myself

I talked about a book I was reading (HERE) that I was struggling with and was stuck on how persistence on pursing a dream pertained to my daily life.  A lightbulb went off and when I was able to relate what I was reading to the dogs and then to my own life, I understood how persistance applied to my life.  Then I got to thinking about how each dog has their own persistency that is unique to them.  Here are some examples:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Persistence as taught by dogs.

I am reading a book called, "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, that talks about how to pursue your dreams and being successful at it.  It is a philosophical book that very black and white and difficult to read.  I am much more of visual person and the book paints very few pictures.

I just read the chapter on, "Persistence," and again I was struggling with reading this philosopher's writing.  I was having a hard time putting his words into context.  I eventually had to put the book down and let my mind just absorb what the author was trying to convey. After a few minutes of quiet, it hit me, the dogs are an excellent example of being persistent.  Once they have an idea in their head they are constantly working on a way of getting what they want and being that they are so strong headed, they only give up after what may be hours, if I don't give in before.

Some examples:  They are persistent about walks, treats, mealtime, going out and coming in and getting attention.

I had a visual for this book that made sense to me.

I took it one step further and asked myself, what am I persistent about? 

The answer came easy after my first discovery, the dogs!  Especially dealing with Brut and his aggression around the other dogs.  Even after two failed trainers, one who kicked Brut and another who said it was a hopeless mess and I would have to get rid of a dog or two, I was persistent in my plan to make this work.

I had found my own context that I was able to relate to and it as if the black and white was suddenly vibrant and colorful!  Most of all the book started to make sense.

Have you ever had a better understanding of something  when put into the context of your dog?  Give us an example in the comments!

If no comment link click on post title and scroll down.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Your dog's behavior-Emergency Rescued

I caught on the news the other day about a couple of dogs who got out of their yard and ended up stuck on brokekn ice chunks in a body of water.  The smallest dog barked and snap at the rescuer while the other just sat and waited patiently to be saved.

It got me thinking about my own dogs and how they would act if they ever had to be rescued.  Most importantly, how they would react to the people trying to save them and the situation going on around them.

Brut can be very friendly when he's not being territorial, but if was scared as well, I could see some real problems with him snapping, growling and biting.  Brut could be a real challenge to be saved. If we were able to be close, it might help, but I don't know.  Brut it is too ify.

Chance would probably be terrified of the whole ordeal and might snap at the rescuers, but I think would have a good chance of being saved.

Silver, Zappa, Fiona and Blaze I think would all do well in the same situation.  They would be grateful for the help, even though they would probably be scared to death, but they would be OK.

So how do you think your dog would rate in rescue situation waiting for rescuers to come and save them? Or have you been in a situation when your dogs had to be rescued?  Who would be your star or problem child?  Tell us in the comments!

Save me from falling off the couch!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

B/W Sundays-Too Much Pizza!!

Did I really eat the whole thing??

p.s. don't forget to check out the latest on the cat blog.  Boxer and his apprentice are beginning to make peace.  =^.^=

Friday, February 20, 2015

Our cold day post

We are in for a -20F to -30F (-29C to -35C) below night after riding at zero (-18C) all day.  And that's without the wind chill factored in. It is these frigid nights and days that I'm so grateful that Luigi, our duck that past away, isn't here to suffer through these brutal temperatures.  Even though he was well fed, sheltered and taken care of as only a duck could be, I worried all of the time about him.  My biggest fear was finding him frozen to death in the morning after a bitter cold night.  It is such a relief that Luigi doesn't have to go through that any more.  

Our part-time Huskies are also not adapted to these low temperatures.  They haven't been conditioned to be outside in this kind of weather.  They are all spoiled house dogs and their paws freeze up quickly when they are out for a quick potty break.  It might be tough some days having six dogs in the house at the same time, but it is better than worrying abot them if they were outside dogs.  And I could never do it anyways (keep them outside), I did it once with one dog I owned a long time ago, but I couldn't do it again.  I couldn't imagine having such limited contact with my dogs.  Could you?  It would drive me crazy!  It was hard enough visiting Luigi on a day like today, let alone a dog too.  
Who says it's cold?

So the 24's have been napping, snuggling, and playing treat games to pass the time.  They are handling things pretty well, even Brut, for the time being.  You know it is cold when you start rooting for 12F (-11) as your high temperature for the day.  BOL!  Hopefully we'll come close to reaching it.  

I know many of you in the States have been feeling this Arctic blast and we hope you and your pets are safe and warm.  We feel your pain.  We are wrapped in blankets for you!

Take care,
until next time

The 24 Paws of Love 

Tell us how hot or cold it is where you're at and where you are from!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Therapy Dogs at Work

Dear Friends,

It has been a rough couple of days for me dealing with my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  I had a trigger that set off a chain of reactions and I really struggled today.  Thank Goodness for the dogs.  When I felt I was splitting from myself, I cuddle with one of them and it grounded me.  It is probably the reason my post aren't very cute and funny.  My dogs are my lifeline.  They always have been.  And maybe having "therapy dogs" all my life to help me through my childhood abuse and the aftermath of it has given me a different perspective than some might have about dogs.

When I'm in this scathed state of body and mind, I relive that which was done to me and I am frozen and emotionally paralyzed.  Deep in my mind I'm calling for help and when that call comes to surface, I will have the strength to go to one of the dogs, who is open to receive me and just smother them with kisses and cuddles until I feel feeling once again rush to my brain.  That's when I know I'm OK and I am safe and well cared for.  That's what they do for me, unfreeze my brain and let me feel their love wash over me.  And this has been ongoing since I was very young and it is the way I survived.

I don't know that I could every really describe how that really feels, but the above is close.  I can go from feeling death to life with just a furry touch.  And it is so wonderful.  I bounced back quickly today because I had that rejuvenation with the dogs.  And I know everything is going to be OK.

   What better therapy than to cuddle with the 24 Paws of Love?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dog Socializing Catch Ups

We've had some great socializing going on around the 24 Paws of Love and I thought I'd catch you up on it.

So proud of this guy!!
First up is Brut.  The bad boy of them all let my friend walk Silver while I walked him and it went great.  We walked a couple of miles and when we went into the garage for treats and undressing their harnesses, Brut was friendly to my friend walking right between her and Silver.  Mr. Territorial didn't pay any attention to the fact that she was on his property, in his garage, he was just ready to go out in the backyard like after every walk!!  It was so awesome!!

And if that wasn't enough, we walked all the dogs that night, my friend walking one while I had the other, in their respective pairs.  So Zappa and Blaze were walked by my friend and did great!  Blaze was a little worried at first, but she got right down the sniffing and didn't look back!

I don't want to be nice!!
Then last night my friend and I walked Silver with her dog Callie.  Silver was pretty ruffled about it for about half of the walk, but eventually started to settle down.  When Silver was able to turn and look at Callie without making a bee line towards her, we were doing good.  

Callie girl

And if it wasn't for my good friend and her nonchalant dog Callie, we'd have never made it this far.  Dogs can sense the difference between a real dog lover and a dog owner and this friend is definitely a dog lover.  It is obvious by the way all the dogs have instantly took to her.  And I want to let her know how valuable her friendship has been to the dogs and I.  She'll never know what a chance she took on that first walk with Fiona, her dog Callie and me.  It's like having a live version of all of you dog lovers out there who have been there for me when I didn't have any dog loving friends and I thank you for that.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Dog Sledding Expert

As with any sport there are some bad apples in the group who twist the meaning of the sport with fierce competition.  And dog sledding is no exception.

We have seen both side of this just being on the edge of the mushing world.  One example in particular sticks out the most, when we went to buy Brut his first harness at five months old.

We traveled for about an hour until we finally found the feed store on the outskirts of a small village.  Being in such a rural area made the shop difficult to find and we were still a little uncertain we had the right place.  Brut and Silver were excited with the stop ready to get out and explore.

When we walked in we noticed the man behind the counter.  Average build, beard, mustache, late 40's and a sterness that held him above us.  Yes, it was that obvious.  We were newbies to the sport and he was a competing expert.  

He confirm we had the right place.  We then went to bring Silver and Brut inside to get fitted for their harnesses.  Hubby and I were both excited.  Even though they were used, we didn't care.  We couldn't wait to see if they fit.

With a young Brut sitting in the middle of a strange place, with a stranger, he was a bit scared.  Since neither of us knew how to put the harnesses on the dogs, Mr. Expert was about to show us how.

He walked up to Brut and started to put the neck hole over Brut's head.  Brut backed up and tried to stop him by grabbing his hand.  Mr. Expert was not amused and immediately backed off mumbling somethinglike he'd never let that happen.  Mr. Expert shook his head as it was obvious he was used to being in control of his dogs and never let one of them talk back to him.  What Brut did was unacceptable.

I don't remember the details after that, but both Brut and Silver somehow got their harnesses on and they fit great.

We talked for a minute with Mr. Expert about a race he'd just run that he didn't do so good at with the demeaning tone that it was surely the dogs fault.  He bragged for a while about his dogs with the undertone of the machines that they were instead the loving beings they were or that they had anymore use than that of a sled dog.

We talked about just sledding for fun and recreation, which his body language shouted loudly that that was unheard of, sled dogs were meant for racing.  And that's all they were meant to be.  Not creatures of passion or their own thoughts.

Maybe that is what makes it in the competitive world of dog sledding and if so, I want less of it than I did before.  I think it is sad that to some that is all a dog will ever be to them.  They and the dogs are missing out on so much more.  For when we sled it is all about the dogs and their fun and the day they lose the love for it is the day we stop.  It's just that simple.  It isn't about us getting a ride, it's about learning something together and working as a team, but mostly it's about having fun.

Look at those smiles!  ☺

Wonder when is the last time Mr. Expert had fun on a sled ride with his dogs?      

Friday, February 6, 2015

Another One of Those Things That Only a Dog Can Teach and Heal

There are a few things that God must have devised just for dogs in order to get through to humans.  One of those things I talked about before (on this post) in having to calm and quiet my voice for Brut, because my outburst, especially when there was a dog fight were causing more harm than good.

Another added piece to the puzzle that has also calmed Brut and the household down is soft gestures.  Brut is scared of sudden movement like he is noise.  He becomes immediately on the defense and lowers his head to the ground ready for an attack.

I've had to learn to be gentle in my movements as well as my voice with him.

Brut zen
I've been dealing with some anger issues for a while due to my childhood abuse and PTSD, so it is difficult to release the tension by being quiet.  Like just wanting to punch the couch or wall because of being so frustrated.  Or just wanting to scream.  Or blast my music and rock the walls.

I can't do that with Brut around.  So how did I learn to calm those angry demons?

First by being aware my actions were causing consequences and second by being gentle with Brut, I learned to be gentle with myself.  The more I practice with Brut and being tender to his sudden fear, I learned to be calmer and more loving to myself.  The more I was able to slow down my movements and be able to receive the inner and outer love, the anger dissipated almost daily.  It taught me how to be sensitive to my own needs to not lash out at myself with my anger, which I've done all my life.  Instead I moved towards more of yoga like movements being more aware of my surroundings and myself.

I don't know if I could have learned that from any person or any other dog for that matter.  The only one who could have taught me was Brut.  The aggressive one.  The fearful one.  The one who has my heart in his paw every time while we lean on each other.

And I have to wonder if we continue to bounce off each other with these gentle movements and calm voices to bond even more as we continue healing together.

What do you think?  What has your dog taught you about your anger?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Silver asks: Why (fill in the blank) ?

It's Wordless Wednesday and we want your caption.  

Finish this question:   Why  (fill in the blank) ?

What is Silver questioning?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Why a calm Brut is not always a good thing

I'm so tired of dealing with Brut's aggression.  It is ugly, vile and violent.  The worst part about it is the longer it lays dormant, when it does rear its ugly head it is worse than in the beginning.  It is like a disease that progresses even when there are no signs or symptoms while the venom gets stronger and stronger.

For the most part Brut is a happy-go-lucky dog, believe it or not.  Moody at times but all in all there have been long strectches without any aggressive behavior.  And it seems this is where the killer lies, in wait, until all the brewings coming together when he becomes a stealth bomber, completely catching me off guard.  Brut goes for so long being calm and relaxed and happy that I drop my guard, little by little with him.  A leathal combination.  He gets bolder in his attacks and because they happen so quickly, I am missing the cues to intervene and cut off his course.

Like when this happened the other night:

Brut was alone in the living room, the rest of the Back Dogs were in the bedroom, so Brut could have some alone time with us.

I was sitting at the laptop on the couch, when I see Brut make a mad swoop in front me just as I noticed Boxer the cat come up beside me and Brut started to snarl.  It all happened very swiftly.  It didn't give me any time to react instead I was pretty freaked out and froze.  I was afraid to move, in case Brut would react.

Brut was being possessive of me and by me not responding I was telling him that his behavior was acceptable and that he had my permission to get rid of the intruder.

So he did.  He grabbed Boxer's head then immediately let go when I told him NO!

Tell you what, it was scary.

And this all happened in a matter of seconds.  There was very little I could do.

Boxer is OK. (thank God) Not a scratch on him, but he doesn't help the situation out very much either.  He will sit and confront Brut with no fear or brains (I swear) until Brut attacks.  Boxer won't run either, he will just join Brut for the staring showdown.  

I don't know what it is with all this strong willed blood in this house and the relentless stubborness to stand their ground.

I went over the incident over and over in my head and really I'm not sure there was anything I could have done different except maybe push Boxer away.  Since he was the irritant under Brut's collar, but since I froze, I don't know that I could have even did that.  The whole thing was so sudden and scary that I don't think I would have had time to do anything differently in that state of mind.  All I can do now is take a relaxed breath that no one was hurt and be prepared for the next time.

What about you?
Have you had any situations like this with other animals in your house?  How did you react?  Was your reaction positive or negative to the situation?  What would you do different?

pee.s. there is finally an update to the cat's blog