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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, January 16, 2015

Restoring my Faith with Dog Sledding

After a couple of shaky dog sled "rides" to start the season, I was more than worried that either the winter weather wasn't going to cooperate at all or my worse fears would occur, the dogs and I wouldn't want to sled anymore.

For those who don't know we dog sled our dogs in the winter months just for recreational purposes and the fun of learning a new sport.  This will be my 8th year doing it, since Brut was a puppy and I still consider us beginners of this great sport.  Last year it was so cold, snowy and brutal out that we never got a chance to take walks let alone sled and I was afraid this year was going to be much of the same.

My husband, Mark is a genius.  What I lack for in faith and resilience he makes up for in never giving up.  He snowblowed our little walking trail in the woods, so we would have a place to dog sled, when I was already grieving that I'd lost the love for it and figured the dogs did too.  I felt like I was in such a pickle as I only have four dogs that I can sled and only one way to pair them.  And Brut is hopeless as a sled dog.

I shot down every idea I could think of and figured there was no way this was going to happen, right up until Mark said, "So who are you going to sled?"

I tried Zappa and Silver first, they are usually the easiest.  Being a new trail to sled they slowed down and wanted to explore instead.  I ended up running with them most of the way, not something 45 year old, pack a day, who needs to lose weight wants to do, trying to stay up with two dogs running through the snow...

By then I was even more skeptical than before.  Chance and Blaze are so fussy about their sledding harnesses that I wasn't sure we'd make it out of the house!

And when it came down to it, my dear Chance, my solid rock when I waver took control, reined in Blaze and never looked back to give me the experience of a lifetime!

They even went around again for their faithful Daddy

See for yourself.        

pee.s.  This is using our new GoPro camera.  That we bought specifically for dog sledding videos.  What do you think?


How Sam Sees It said...

I think it looks fun!

Monty and Harlow!

Unknown said...

Way to go and glad that you got a good run. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

bichonpawz said...

That does look really fun!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

2 Punk Dogs said...

The dogs look great! Mark made a great trail for you, so cool. :)

Unknown said...

How fun! I would love to be able to do that someday.