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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Why Do You Have Dogs?

A question I was wondering the other day.  What do you think draws us specifically to dogs?  There are many of us who have multi-animal households and may favor one species over the over, but I'm wondering what it is about dogs themselves, that you at some point decided you had to have one, or two or three...

While I'm sure most of us could come up with list a mile long about everything we love about dogs, from their physical attributes, their unconditional love, their loving friendship, their companionship, to their funny quirks.  But what do you think drew you into the world of canines?

For me it started very young and it was their unconditional love, being it was the only love I ever received in my life.  I latch on to that love with all I could to make through a childhood of abuse.  I am still overwhelmed to this day that my dogs (and many along the way) have loved me when no one else did.  I still find myself in a state of shock that they do love me.  Sometimes it is more than I can comprehend.

So tell me what do you think the key element is for you and your attraction to dogs?  What about dogs pulls you in their direction?

You can see Mark is drawn to the comfy pillow and lap warmer quality!
Tell me your story!


bichonpawz said...

I totally agree with you...I am drawn to their unconditional love! They make every single day of my life worth living!! I love the picture!!

Unknown said...

We too agree and it is the unconditional love for us too. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Pamela said...

You and I probably have similar early experiences with dogs. My first dog, although vicious to outsiders (he actually bit someone quite severely) was very patient with me.

My dog made me feel safe. Something I didn't feel in my own home.

Sage said...

I had dogs off and on throughout my life, but it hasn't been until the last 15-20 years that I really became a 'dog person'. And I'll definitely second the 'unconditional love' reason. They're who make sure I get out every day (usually several times); go hiking in places I wouldn't have gone and are there whenever I need some doggy love!

The Daily Pip said...

Yep, the unconditional love, pure joy, silliness, non-judgemental and accepting attitude. The best of the best!