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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, November 24, 2014

"It's really a lifesyle, isn't it?"

My husband said to me as we were relaxing after dinner.

I hadn't thought of it in that way, but I loved the way his question explained itself.  The dogs, the cats and the duck are our lifestyle and everything we say, think, do and express is centered around these nine animals.

A lot of people don't get it, even those with animals, but I know there are plenty out there that do!

A lifestyle!

What an awesome word that describes what is so full and emboddied with love.

We wouldn't have it any other way.

This coming from a guy who never had a pet growing up, but always wanted one, would be the one who phrased the question and noticed the difference.  I'd grown up this way, with dogs and cats, it was second nature to me.  And there was something about the way his eyes lit up with excitement when he discovered the meaning to his question.  Almost as if it surprised him!

There is something about owning animals and the life it entails.  Where people look at you and shake their heads with bewilderment.  That's OK, they will probably never understand what they are missing out on.

It is us who live this animal lifestyle that it really only matters to.  Because I never want to miss out on the way we live, our family of dogs, cats and a duck together.  I think it's the best lifestyle ever!  ☺  

Do you see your life with animals as a lifestyle?


Collie222 said...

I have so many friends, family members and co-workers who don't get it either...

Golden Daily Scoop said...

I never grew up with dogs but my husband did. I can't imagine a life without my three goldens. And I am so happy that my 2 daughters are growing up with them as well. Some people just don't get it. Great post!

2 Punk Dogs said...


White Dog Blog said...

I love the evolution where one day you wake up and realize just how interwoven into the pack you are. You think about how long you will be away when you go out. You smile at things you know one of the pups does or loves. You can't imagine be apart for days or weeks. A vacation is more time together, not time apart. It IS a lifestyle, a choice, an opportunity to live in blessed grace.

Unknown said...

Your Pets are lovely...I have 2 left of my rescues..all senior pitty's..

Jen said...

I ALWAYS always wanted a dog, and I agree, it is a lifestyle!